Public Relations

E-Voting Company Settles Lawsuit, Gets Religion

The electronic voting machine company Election Systems & Software (ES&S) "agreed to a $750,000 settlement that resolves complaints filed after its software caused delays for some Indiana voters and election officials during the state's May primary," reports the Associated Press.


Accentuate the Positive, While Getting Rid of Unions

PR Week's "Toolbox" column provides tips on how to increase the effectiveness of various PR techniques. But in the August 15, 2006, issue, the feature hints at union-busting techniques. The question is how "to reduce the level of acrimony, improve communications, and facilitate a more pleasant outcome" to labor disputes.


How Bizarre is a CSR Bazaar?

The Institute for International Research notes that it is transmitting information about its September 2006 corporate social responsibility meeting in Dubai solely via the web in order to conserve paper. But one of IIR's sessions--the "CSR Bazaar"-- might lead some to wonder if the organization sees the forest or only the trees.


It's an Increasingly Anti-U.S. World, After All

"With nearly 50 years in marketing, Keith Reinhard knows when a brand is in trouble," Christopher Lee writes in the Washington Post. "Even before the war in Iraq bred new resentment of the United States abroad, the country had developed an image problem, says Reinhard," who in 2004 founded Business for Diplomatic Action, to get U.S. corporations involved in public diplomacy.


Roche PR Spins Straw into Golden Cure

Pat Thomas writes that the breast cancer drug Herceptin "prolongs a few lives for an average of four months at a cost of £400,000 per life extended, and for the majority of women for whom it does not work there is an increased risk of severe heart damage and the spread of their cancer to the central nervous system." Yet, the British press has declared it a "miracle cure," thanks to savvy PR.


Wal-Mart Front Group Loses Front Man

Andrew Young, the former civil rights leader turned chair of the front group Working Families for Wal-Mart, resigned from the pro-Wal-Mart group, after making remarks he now calls "demagogic" and "racist shorthand." During an interview with the Los Angeles Sentinel, Young said Wal-Mart should cause small local stores to go ou


CMD's 'Fake TV News' Report Fuels FCC Investigation

The Washington Post reports, "The Federal Communications Commission has sent letters to 77 television broadcasters, asking whether their stations had properly labeled 'video news releases' ... before broadcasting them. ...


Ben Santer Speaks (While "Global Climate Coalition" Slinks into History)

It "was one of the most vicious attacks I have ever seen on the integrity of a scientist," says one scientist on how the energy industry used to treat federal global climate expert Ben Santer.



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