Public Relations

ABC Affliliate Sees No, Hears No Dissent on "Path to 9/11"

If you were to ask the owner of Lincoln, Nebraska ABC affiliate KLKN-TV (which Journal-Star reporter Jeff Korbelik did) whether the station had received negative feedback about its airing of the controversial "Path to 9/11", the answer was not only "no," but also that the docudrama was "compelling TV." Citadel Communications president Ray Cole, who also sits on ABC's governing board, neglecte


Merck Unconvincingly Clears Execs of Vioxx Wrongdoing

Although the pharmaceutical company Merck spent $21 million on a 20-month investigation led by a former U.S. district judge, the report's conclusion that "executives at Merck had not knowingly put Vioxx patients in cardiovascular danger" may not boost the drugmaker's sagging reputation. "Some critics say the report is not credible because of Merck's board's involvement" and point out that Debevoise & Plimpton, the firm whose lawyers carried out the study, has a "pro-corporate" reputation.


Pounds and Pounds More Government PR in Britain

"Spending on [British] Government spin has trebled under Labour," reports Graeme Wilson, "and taxpayers are now supporting an army of more than 3,200 press officers." Moreover, "the amount being spent on Government advertising, marketing and public relations has risen three-fold since" Tony Blair became prime minister, to £322 million last year.


PR Pushes Poll Numbers

President Bush's approval rating has risen to 44% in a new USA TODAY/Gallup Poll conducted September 15-17, 2006. This represents his highest marks in a year. Concurrently, for the first time since December 2005, a majority of people did not say the war in Iraq was a mistake.


GolinHarris Aims To 'Leverage and Deflect' Activists

Global PR firm GolinHarris has unveiled a range of new "practices and products," including one it has dubbed "Engage: Activist Issues Management." The firm explains, "In response to the growing influence of NGOs, GolinHarris has formalized its approach to leverage and deflect the influence of activists on issues ranging from the environment to animal welfare." In



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