
Spinning (and Unspinning) Nuclear Power Worldwide

"The nuclear industry took steps ... to head off a growing public relations -- if not health -- problem, promising to closely monitor leaks of slightly radioactive groundwater at power plants," reports AP. "Water containing tritium has been released into groundwater at half a dozen plants over the past decade," including in Illinois, Arizona and New York.


Chemical Association's PR To Make You Safer

The American Chemistry Council wants you to know that you're safer than you may think when toxic chemicals end up in your local groundwater and air. ACC has announced the hire of ex-Environmental Protection Agency spokesperson Lisa Harrison as its new vice president of communications. Says Ms.


They Really CARE -- About Energy Profits

Wendy Brown reports, "Critics say the Citizens' Alliance for Responsible Energy ... is a classic front group for the oil-and-gas industry. CARE claims its purpose is to educate people about energy policy and undo some of the spin that left-wing groups have propagated about alternative fuels like ethanol and hydrogen.



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