
Fake Blogs, True Buzz

To market a new video game, Sega built a PR campaign around a hoax. It created a weblog whose host called himself "Beta-7" and claimed that the game caused him to suffer blackouts and uncontrollable fits of violence. In reality, "Beta-7" was a fictional character, invented by the Portland, Oregon advertising agency Wieden and Kennedy.


Whistleblowers on Trial: Does Not Refute

Dozens of cases - including that of the chief Medicare actuary, who was threatened with dismissal "if he provided data to Congress showing the cost of the new Medicare law" - have motivated Congress "to increase protections for federal employees who expose fraud, waste and wrongdoing." But the U.S.


Tobacco Industry Smoke and Mirrors On Trial

"The most important type of story is that which casts doubt on the cause and effect theory of smoking and cancer," read one internal Council for Tobacco Research memo presented by the U.S. Justice Department on the first day of the largest civil racketeering trial brought by the government.


Media to Blame for Swift Boat Hype

While the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth may have a questionable grasp of the facts, it has been extraordinarily sophisticated in its manipulation of the media," observes the Columbia Journalism Review's Campaign Desk weblog. "To understand why this campaign has been hijacked by a small group of veterans bearing a thirty-year old grudge, it's worth examining the institutional susceptibilities of a campaign press corps that allowed the SBVFT's accusations to take on a life of their own.


Another Media Mea Culpa

An internal Washington Post review found that, before the invasion of Iraq, "Administration assertions were on the front page. Things that challenged the administration were on A18 on Sunday or A24 on Monday. There was an attitude among editors: Look, we're going to war, why do we even worry about all this contrary stuff?" - in the words of the paper's Pentagon correspondent.


Media Is Sell

"Remember how the broadcast networks explained that they would cover only three hours of each of the four-day Democratic and Republican conventions because they are nothing more than infomercials?" asks Lisa de Moraes. Well, ABC and CBS will run "infomercials for products in which the networks have a financial interest" on their Friday newsmagazines. ABC will feature Victoria Gotti, of "Growing Up Gotti" on A&E, owned in part by ABC.



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