FDA Lab Analysis Puts the Heat on E-Cigarettes

Their websites have names like SmokeAnywhere.com and SmokingEverywhere.com, and manufacturers of electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes, are touting that their products are "cheaper than a cigarette," have a "cool design," come in "different flavors" and are a "tar-free option" to traditional cigarettes. The website of E-Cigarettes National boasts that its new electronic cigarettes have "eliminated over 3,900 chemicals for the smoker that is looking for a smart alternative," and one site even advertises it as a "health cigarette." But the heat on electronic cigarettes is growing. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration's Center for Drug Evaluation, Division of Pharmaceutical Analysis (DPA) recently purchased samples of e-cigarettes and analyzed cartridges from them for nicotine content and the presence of potentially cancer-causing tobacco constituents. DPA found one percent diethylene glycol -- a toxic ingredient used in antifreeze -- in the cartridge of one cigarette. Half the samples tested contained tobacco-specific nitrosamines, which are known human carcinogens. All but one of the e-cigarette cartridges labeled as containing no nicotine did, in fact, contain low levels of nicotine. And three different cartridges with the same label were tested and found to emit "markedly different amounts of nicotine with each puff." DPA suggests the findings indicate "that quality control processes used to manufacture these products are inconsistent or non-existent." E-cigarettes are currently manufactured, advertised and sold without FDA oversight.


I truely believe that the FDA could find oxygen in outer space!
They do look after our interests but sometimes are blinkered by the benefits and have a need for over control!
I use electronic cigarettes and I also eat beef, there could be risks we don't know about for both products butit doesn't give the FDA the right to take a tiny sample of products and make a judgement on that!

great article by the way

the only reason why the governement is against ecigs is because so much of the money our government makes is from tax from cigarettes. they cannot tax the ecig yet the way they tax tobacco because it is not tobacco. the ecig is substantially less expensive and way healthier for you. that is what everything is based on in our country: money. so if the government is loosing money by us CHOOSING a safer alternative, of course they are going to try to ban it with every excuse and as much propaganda as they can.

The way I see it, ecigs pervert God's purpose for electronics, which is to enjoy music, not to suck nicotine.

Boy you hit on the nose about government interference. It always comes down to the almighty dollar.
