U.S. Launches Sell Job for Mad Cow-Suspect Beef in Japan

Japan recently lifted the ban it placed on U.S. beef after the 2003 discovery of mad cow disease in America. This prion disease has killed more than 150 people worldwide and is spread among cattle by feeding them slaughterhouse waste byproducts. Yet the U.S. livestock industry continues this lucrative practice, and the U.S. government refuses to institute food safety testing of beef. The New York Times quotes CMD's John Stauber, co-author of Mad Cow USA, saying, "From the standpoint of human and animal safety this is a disastrous decision by the Japanese. They have taken a huge step backward." The U.S. Meat Export Federation has launched a PR campaign to win back Japanese consumers, who surveys show do not trust U.S. beef. The campaign includes "advertisements, trade shows, town hall educational meetings and endorsements from Japanese who eat U.S. beef." For example, White Sox second baseman Tadahito Iguchi "credits power to launch his 1,000 career hits and score 14 home runs in his rookie season to U.S. beef."