'Shared Values' Campaign Under Review

"At the request of Congress, the State Department is launching an inquiry into its campaign to polish America's image in Muslim countries over the past two years," PR Week writes. "The move comes just one week after a new Pew Global Attitudes survey showed that negative views of the US are on the rise in the Middle East." Most of the work to be reviewed -- known as the "Shared Values" campaign -- "was spearheaded by former ad executive Charlotte Beers, who left her post as undersecretary of state for public affairs and public diplomacy in March for health reasons." Veteran Middle East diplomat Edward Djerejian will assemble and lead an advisory group that "will consist largely of private-sector PR and media experts," PR Week writes. The United Nations has also organized a forum on "Anti-Americanism: The Job Ahead for U.S. Corporations," featuring panelists including Jack Leslie of the Weber Shandwick PR firm.