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Wisconsin Governor Faces Protests at Home and On the Road

sign that says "go home"Wisconsin's Governor Scott Walker was in Illinois, speaking to the Illinois Chamber of Commerce on April 17, and a huge crowd of protestors was there to "unwelcome" him.

While Walker compared himself to Honest Abe on the inside of the Lincoln Hotel in Springfield, an estimated 4,000 workers rallied on the outside. Props included a giant rat and a large Walker image on a board imprinted with the words "don't Badger us."

WI Capitol Police Chief Charles Tubbs Gets New Post

Chief Tubbs announces he is accepting new position with Dane County (source: Leslie Peterson)Wisconsin Capitol Police Chief Charles Tubbs announced today that he will be assuming a new position with Dane County starting in June. In a press conference held at the County Executive's Office, Dane County Executive Joe Parisi announced that he had selected Tubbs as the new Director of Dane County Emergency Management.

Tubbs was applauded by many for his handling of the massive protests against Governor Walker's collective bargaining bill in the winter of 2011. Tubbs was responsible for the security and safety of Capitol staff as well as protestors inside and outside the Capitol building. Despite an 18-day Capitol occupation and protests topping 100,000 on a regular basis, there were no injuries and few arrests. Tubbs was praised by many protesters for his respectful communication, which helped maintain a peaceful atmosphere. In more recent months, Tubbs has received some criticism regarding the rising number of arrests in the Capitol.

ALEC Disbands Task Force Responsible for Stand Your Ground, Voter ID, Prison Privatization, AZ's SB 1070

Under growing public pressure and the departure of multiple corporate members, the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) has announced it is disbanding the Task Force that has been responsible for some of the organization's most controversial pieces of legislation. Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker introduced several bills approved by that Task Force when he was a legislator in the 1990s and early 2000s.

Grassroots Campaign Makes ALEC Try to Stanch Bleeding of Corporate Donors

ALEC Companies and Politicians Must Be Held Accountable for Vigilante Laws and Bills Making It Harder for Citizens to Vote, plus other Extreme Measures Dressed Up as "Job" Bills


Contact: Nikolina Lazic at (608) 260-9713 or

MADISON, WISCONSIN -- The Center for Media and Democracy's Executive Director Lisa Graves issued this statement today in response to ALEC's announcement that it is disbanding its "Public Safety and Elections Task Force":

State Farm Insurance Claims "No Fault" in Bankrolling ALEC

Despite calls from Color of Change, the Center for Media and Democracy and other public interest groups to cut ties with the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), State Farm Insurance, the nation's largest auto insurer and a major insurer of homes, has maintained both membership and leadership in the organization. Why would a Fortune #37 company that specializes in making a profit off of risk algorithms take the risk of alienating many of its own customers?

ALEC Exposed in Missouri: Who Is Writing Our Laws?


Contact: Sean Soendker Nicholson at (573) 427-7326 or

JEFFERSON CITY -- Progress Missouri today released a detailed research report exposing the influence of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) in creating our laws. The research report shows the effect of ALEC, which allows large corporations to write big-business friendly bills and helps legislators advance this legislation on the state level, on Missouri's political system.

NRA Awards Scott Walker for Pushing Concealed Guns and the ALEC-related "Castle Doctrine" (Stand Your Ground) Laws

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker asked members of the National Rifle Association (NRA) for "help" and "support" in his upcoming recall election in a speech at the organization's annual meeting on April 13, where he received an award for signing into law two controversial bills: Concealed Carry legislation, which allows people to be armed with concealed guns almost anywhere in the state, and what the NRA calls the Castle Doctrine, but what is more widely known as "Stand Your Ground," a version of which had been cited to prevent the arrest of the man who shot and killed Trayvon Martin in Florida.


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