Scott Walker Lied, GOP Prosecutor Says
Lauren Windsor of The Undercurrent and Brendan Fischer of the Center for Media and Democracy have joined forces for a new segment on exposing corruption called Naked News.
Lauren Windsor of The Undercurrent and Brendan Fischer of the Center for Media and Democracy have joined forces for a new segment on exposing corruption called Naked News.
Has Scott Walker won the Koch primary? Charles and David Koch told Republican donors that Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is their man for President.
According to a new report from the Restaurant Opportunities Centers United (ROC), the giant corporations operating or franchising full-service restaurants cost taxpayers billions in public assistance for workers who are not paid enough to make ends meet.
Hotel profits are up. Executive salaries have skyrocketed. But the little-known trade association representing this robust $163 billion dollar industry is fighting to keep workers wages low.
Scott Walker unseated his sharpest opponent last night.
After the town of Denton, Texas, passed a ballot initiative banning fracking in November 2014, the oil and gas industry reacted with outrage and swiftly filed suit.
By Steve Arnold, an alderman from Fitchburg, Wisconsin
Wisconsin Republicans have called a special session to take up a "right to work" measure attacking private sector unions--and the text of the bill is taken word-for-word from American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) model legislation.
The Kochs will spend almost $1 billion in the 2016 elections, but call it "social welfare."
Two trade organizations affiliated with corporate bill mill ALEC have filed a suit against the City of Los Angeles to block an ordinance passed last September to raise the wages for hotel employees.
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