Inaugural Product Placement

"Talk about free advertising," exclaimed Forbes. "Cadillac's first 'customer' for its redesigned, 2006 DTS will be President George W. Bush, who will ride in a black limousine version of the new car during his inaugural parade on January 20." Deville marketing manager Keith Spondike said that Bush's use of the DTS will reinforce Cadillac's image of "appealing to and transporting high-profile people."


Greener on the Other Side

Project Evergreen, a "trade association formed by pesticide makers, applicators, garden centers and mower manufacturers," will launch a "national public-relations campaign this spring touting the health and lifestyle benefits of thick, green lawns." The campaign is partly in response to pesticide restrictions passed by 70 cities and one province in Canada. One Project Evergreen ad reads, "Legislation and regulations have been throwing the green industry some rough punches. ...



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