PR Bloggers Missing in Action on Payola Scandal?

"For PR bloggers especially," writes Jay Rosen, the Armstrong Williams cash-for-commentary scandal "was a moment for them to shine and for the most part they did not show up." The story of Williams and his $240,000 deal with the Ketchum PR firm has been "nearly invisible to PR bloggers, who, aside from a few mentions here and there, have neglected this juicy and far-reaching story."


The American Dream

"In all of Iraq, Jumana Hanna was the bravest witness to the horror of Saddam's regime, telling the Americans of torture, rape, and mass murder," writes Sara Solovitch. Paul Wolfowitz recounted her story to the Senate Foreign Relations Commitee. Her suffering was described in agonizing detail in a Washington Post story by Peter Finn.


Afraid of Being an Island Unto Itself

The British government "is using taxpayers' money to hire a PR agency to extol the virtues of (European Union) membership and explain why the European constitution is a 'success for Britain.'" The London-based firm Geronimo PR received a £40,000 ($US74,900) contract to mount an "extensive communications campaign," prior to a public referendum on the constitution



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