America's Most Wanted, in Pakistan

"The U.S. government has launched a series of advertisements - broadcast for the first time on Pakistani state television and radio stations - promising multimillion dollar awards for information leading to Mr. bin Laden's capture." The ads show "images of bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahri, and the one-eyed reclusive Taliban leader Mullah Omar," while a voice says, "Who can stop the terrorists?


The Sleuths of Spin

Bill Berkowitz writes that the Center for Media and Democracy's "sleuths of spin John Stauber and Sheldon Rampton have exposed how corporate shills and government spokespersons manipulate the media and undermine democracy for more than a decade," and are now "setting about an ambitious - yet necessary - undertaking: reinventing journalism." Berkowitz interviews Center founder Stauber about recent media scandals involving



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