Sparks Fly Over Wal-Mart PR

After Hill & Knowlton contacted community newspaper editors on behalf of Wal-Mart Stores informing them "Wal-Mart representatives were available for interviews," Mike Buffington, the president of the National Newspaper Association (NMA), let fly. "So why is it that community newspapers in America are good enough to help you fend off critics with free PR, but we're not good enough for your paid advertising?


Television News: Now, Even Faker!

"If viewers were confused before, they'll certainly have a hard time discerning news updates from mini-informercials now," writes Joe Mandese, on how Medialink Worldwide is "morphing" news and public relations. Medialink "says 'branded journalism' is the best way to advertise in a splintered market.


Hospitals Seek Healthy Revenues

A study of newspaper ads for 17 top university medical centers found they "employ some of the same advertising techniques doctors often criticize drug companies for -- concealing risks and playing on fear, vanity and other emotions to attract patients." Of the 122 ads examined, 62% used emotional appeals and one-third "used slogans focusing on technology, fostering a misperception that high-tech medicine is always better." Twenty-one ads promoted specific services, including one proclaiming, "We do Boto



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