Under the Care of the Great Brilliant Commander

Propaganda can be unintentionally funny, says Geoff Davis, who has put together a database of news stories from North Korea's Korean Central News Agency (KCNA). Launched in May, Davis's database boasts of having nearly every KCNA article since December 1996 -- "over 50 megabytes of hard-core Stalinist propaganda ...


Ethical Bump or Just a Pothole?

"It was intended as a picturesque public relations triumph," writes Carla Marinucci: "Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger backed by a blaring soundtrack of 'Takin' It to the Streets,' striding alongside an army of neon-clad street workers to tackle a 'critical' transportation problem—a San Jose pothole. But the photo op took more than a little doing, government documents show—a flurry of anxious e-mails from city officials, dozens of hours of planning on city time and considerable angst over details like location, location, location. ...



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