NFIB's "I Built My Business" Astroturf Bus Tour Gets Rolling in Wisconsin

The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) "I Built My Business" astroturf bus tour started rolling through Wisconsin this week in support of Republican candidates for office. NFIB advertises itself as the nonpartisan "Voice of Small Business," but CMD's new web resource presents a wealth of facts that challenge that assertion.

Vote to Have a Session on ALEC at the 2013 National Conference for Media Reform

National Conference for Media ReformHelp CMD as we prepare for the National Conference for Media Reform (NCMR)! NCMR will be in Denver, CO on April 5-7, 2013. The conference is organized by the nonprofit media reform group Free Press, founded by John Nichols and Bob McChesney, and is dedicated to the fight for a more independent, robust and diverse media system in the United States, which is essential to our efforts to build a better democracy.


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