To: The great, Elizabeth Warren
I will campaign for you and all of my money is yours and yours alone. I refuse to give a dime to any other Dem. or the pres. The people here in MA will flock to your side and soon Mr. Brown will be just a memory. Thanks for your advocacy and I was outraged when you were passed over for the job in the agency to protect the average citizen from the thievery that has been taking place for years. Now, I have a second chance to support you and support you I will. Thanks, Nancy Walton
this actaully will not solve the problem, it will only postpone the inevitable.. Our only way out of this as a Country is to take back control of our Money.. REPEAL the 16th AMENDMENT.. Base our Currency on Population and GDP and Make it illegal to do Fractional Banking.. DO not fall into the GOLD TRAP.. the USA does not control enough gold to create a stable CURRENCY for 320 million people, but we sure have enough SILVER..(number 4 producer) and not for nothing.. IT matters not what MONEY(or what passes for MONEY)is backed by, as long as the PEOPLE control it.. not a few dozen bankers.. What you must all understand, Money is simply a mechanism to do COMMERCE, nothing more.. Much like the Oil in your car, put too little, engine breaks, put too much , your still walking.. So why should someone else besides you control the equantity of OIL in your car? I may not agree with everything he sais, but on this point he has my vote.. RON PAUL.. a second point "BRING HOME THE TROOPS"
It's always worthwhile, and always appropriate for PR Watch, to write about harm done to large numbers of people by fraudsters, including phony prophets. That's what PR Watch wrote about here.
Actually, it's not a free market at all. Not even close. The regulations - established by governments, state and federal - are very much tilted in favor of the interests of the companies, not consumers. Barriers to entry and innovation are deliberately set very high to discourage true competition, which is the essence of free market capitalism. The result is a cabal of government-protected oligarchies. This is true not just for insurers but for most corporate enterprises, and is largely responsible for the mortgage-based meltdown of our economy.
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