Whatever they said about the cars that are running on both electric and combustion engine it still an automobile! It has tires and motors that moves the entire vehicle.
Ms. Landman,
I would like to suggest that you and PRWatch get your acts together, before you begin casting aspersions on PRSA and the entire public relations profession.
I never said Mr. O'Dwyer was a "paid" staff member, only a staff member. I believe anyone might reasonably assume that, given his inclusion on your staff page at the link I provided (ostensibly, I'm now being asked to believe, among your various "paid" and "unpaid" contributors, though you make no delineation between the two).
I also find it curious that you've since removed Mr. O'Dwyer's profile from that page. Is his anonymity no longer the concern that it was just eight days ago?
(By the way, if his name is included on his post, how is it that the post is anonymous? And how does including his non-paid staff profile among your paid-staff profiles, without noting which is which, make him less anonymous than, say, including his name on his post?)
So I believe the mistake, Ms. Landman, is entirely yours (nice try indeed). Of course, your bigger mistake is championing a journalist whom the Society of Professional Journalists invited to resign his membership. How ironic and convenient that you attack public relations ethics, while turning a blind eye to journalistic ethics, including your own.
If you or any of your readers are truly concerned why PRSA approaches Mr. O'Dwyer in the manner we do, I'd encourage you to ask Mr. O'Dwyer for a copy of our 23-page letter that outlines our concerns with his professional conduct, and to publish it on your site, so that all can better understand the context in which our decisions are made. We won't even demand that you include our profiles on your staff page.
Frankly, Ms. Landman, if PRWatch were a public relations firm, PRSA and its 32,000 members would be speaking out against the disingenuous and unethical practices your organization employs itself, as it masks its own actions behind a holier-than-though claim to the moral high ground.
Arthur Yann is vice president of public relations at PRSA.
Do not be surprised if, one day, it is discovered that the planeloads of millions of dollars of taxpayer money that 'disappeared' in Iraq, and that was secretly awarded in "no bid" contracts to corporate 'friends' of Bush/Cheney, has been and is being funneled through ALEC and other anonymous corporate donations (enabled by the Citizens United decision) to PACs, Super-PACs and shadowy 501(c)(4) organizations to fund focus groups, think tanks, fake 'scientific' studies, mass mailings, radio and tv ads, and compaign donations, to buy the next round of neo-conservative soulless politicians.
Who is it who decides what is an appropriate rebuttal to the contents of your articles? I earnestly hope the position has been assigned to a person with integrity and not as is usual, to a self-interested gatekeeper, put in place to squelch dissent.
Whatever they said about the cars that are running on both electric and combustion engine it still an automobile! It has tires and motors that moves the entire vehicle.