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  • Reply to: Walker Recall Gets Underway with Pajama Parties and Sabotage   13 years 3 months ago
    "Individuals who destroy, deface or falsify an original petition would be committing election fraud. And the penalty is much worse than coal in their stockings -- election fraud is a Class I Felony." Take a picture of your name on the petition, with the petition circulator (and their ID if possible)holding the petition. When the petitions have been officially tabulated, see if your signature was counted. If not, raise hell.
  • Reply to: Walker Recall Gets Underway with Pajama Parties and Sabotage   13 years 3 months ago
    No question in my mind. Between the Kochs and other 1% advocates there will be no end of effort to prevent citizens in Wisconsin from exercising their Constitutionally guaranteed rights and responsibilities. Control of the electoral process - from poll taxes, voting tests, and hackable computerized voting tabulation to false propaganda, misused redistricting manipulation and condemnable 'voter fraud' claims to justify voter ID laws - the anti-American plutocrats and their fear filled, brown-shirted emoticons are determined to prevent fed up voters from expressing a popular (or unpopular) will. None of the techniques being devised are ethical or moral by any standard. Our political process is devolving into a cesspool of big money funded deceit and lies designed to produce false victory. The ultimate despair of the voting electorate in the midst of an inability to know truth or affect outcomes is the cancer that will destroy our experiment in representative democracy.
  • Reply to: The Supreme Court Will Uphold Health Care Reform, and Here's Why   13 years 3 months ago
    Will uphold it because it's a BushCObamanable DICTATE!
  • Reply to: Occupy Wall Street: Crafting A Constitutional Amendment To Stop The 1%   13 years 3 months ago
    I think any restrictions on campaign donations will be circumvented in some way. The only way to avoid this is with an amendment like this (these): 1. A CORPORATION IS NOT A PERSON: “Constitutional rights and protections as provided herein extend only to natural persons, not to business entities, trade groups, corporations, or governments. Persons representing or advocating for the interests of entities and organizations must clearly identify themselves as such, and all such communication must occur in a public forum.” 2. MONEY IS NOT SPEECH, LYING IS NOT PROTECTED: “Constitutionally protected speech is auditory or visual messages that are intended to be an accurate reflection of ideas, facts, or artistic expression. Deceit or intentional misrepresentation, whether put forth by persons, entities, or governments, or their representatives is not protected speech. No form of money or barter is protected speech.” 3. GET MONEY OUT OF POLITICS: “All campaign and campaign related expense for public office, whether for federal office or elected office in any of the several states, shall be paid from public funds fairly distributed to viable candidates. No candidate or campaign shall accept donations or spend personal funds for or on behalf of his or her campaign. Actual expenses for post election ceremonies and celebrations of successful candidates may be paid from donations or personal funds. Excess funds from all such post election activities, and from the campaigns, both federal and state, shall be applied immediately toward the national debt.” [Comment: This is the only way to keep people from circumventing restrictions on donations. Campaigning would be through public debates and volunteers. Restrictions on personal funds keeps the wealthy from being the only viable candidates.]
  • Reply to: Herman Cain's New Internet Campaign Ad Promotes Smoking   13 years 3 months ago
    Smoking is not a choice, it is a marketed addiction, as the industry's own documents have shown in court. And no other industries, other than the armaments and illegal narcotics, come even close to killing and injuring so many people.
