Following your analogy the DMV would probably classify the car as a modified Ford.
Let's get real, the Dem ad WAS misleading, political scaremongering. Its intention was clear, to frighten the Republicanism out of the geriatrics.
Sadly neither party covers themselves with the cloak of acceptability with their attack ads.
All ads are *designed* to engender a favourable *emotional responses* and infamous for what they leave out usually the inconvenient context.... none more so than political(attack) ads. They are used because they work not because they're informative. Sadly sensationalism sells it is that which is remembered. In this case the Dem ad in question dispensed with the 'back door' (the "*" qualifier at the bottom).
All in all the Democrats had a sound case bagging the Republicans for eliminating the improvements even perhaps making it worse but....
In short it was poorly conceived and it must have been okayed after a boozy lunch. Frankly, there should be cardboard boxes (for personal belongings) all round on this one.
I won't enter into if it deserved lie of the year but it does rank in the top 3 own goals/ almighty cock ups.And yes it will come back to bite then where they did their thinking at the time. Continuing the denial merely entrenches and escalates the negative perceptions.
It is apposite to correct the impressions by discussing the differences
What is wrong with Welfare to Work and School Choice. As I see it, Welfare to Work breaks the cycle of generations of Welfare. School Choice? Well, it's either only public or private schools. AND the past 60 years of public education has been so successful that there is now a pathway to import better educated persons form foreign countries to make up for the lack of educated people here in the U.S.
There weren't any complaints when Unions expand the lucrative pensions from the traditional people who run into burning buildings or give chase to robbers, rapists, etc. to NOW include corners Tax investigators, museum guards, state airplane pilots, lottery agents, electricians, forester's, Probate judges, and yes, sewer workers - just to name a few.
So, they all now get to RETIRE after just 20 years of work at ages ranging between 50 and 55 making more money that when they were working!!
Now, since all you working stiffs will be paying taxes for all those early retirements at much higher pensions, what will your income be be when you retire? WILL THERE BE ANY MORE TAX MONEY LEFT?
Yeah, hows that working out for ya?
As a self-employed actual consumer of health care, I have found out the hard way that "affordable" health care coverage for an individual (yes, I am over 50) is either very expensive (over $1,200++ per month for family coverage; CIGNA was going to charge me over $1,500 per month for comparable coverage under their COBRA plan), or covers almost nothing (one plan presented by the insurance agent did not include mental health coverage, which I thought was not legal; most have no dental--now linked to heart disease--and deductibles were $1,000-$3,000 per year, then they pay 70%). "Affordable" is a misnomer; "profitable" is what they mean. So if you can afford it, they're not going to be paying for any care, or will just refuse to take you.
I propose that we should take 5% of all donations and put it somewhere that it may not be touched by anyone, especially government) for 25 years, for every 100.000 donated add another 5%. So if someone wants to donate 1 million, 1/2 of that would go into this fund.
This fund must be for American people only. If big corp. want to rig elections with their money this would sure cure their appetite
whole foods and "farmers" will collect about the same amount as the native alaskans have collected from Exxon/BP from the Valdez region...$0.
whole foods=fail.