Btw, if anyone out there has watched any news program lately, it is obvious why Romney did not spend $ attacking Ron Paul. The biased and corporate controlled media is doing a great job all by themselves. Their initial strategy was to black him out of the news and when that did not work to supress his support, they resorted to misinformation, distortion, and petty attacks. At this point, Ron Paul is not the remedy to all our ills, but to many of them and that is enough for me. Will you give a second term to a president that just signed the NDAA which allows americans to be detained and tortured without charge or trial? Also, one of Obama's early promises was to label GMO foods. Can you blame the republicans for him not fulfilling this promise as well as many others? Think about it.
Listen, Countrywide and Bank of Destroying The American Dream might have already been paid back by several for loans from unidentified investors, multiple times, and by credit default swaps and insurance. It is a potential insurance fraud! Then they want the homeowner to pay them again! The simple fact is that our loans might have been concurrently sold into multiple Trusts at the same time, which would be equivalent to selling the same car over and over to several different people using a COPY of the pink slip or Title of the car. IT IS ILLEAGAL!
Nevertheless, If there is a break in the chain of title: “An obligor is not obliged to pay the instrument if the person seeking enforcement of the instrument does not have rights of a holder in due course and the obligor proves that the instrument is a lost or stolen instrument.” - U.C.C. provision, U.C.C. §3-305(c)
These bankers attitude reminds me of that song by George Harrison named “Piggies”.
Look, I am not looking for a free house. I am looking for a free country! These banks should be held accountable by the homeowner according to the laws of our land. This is why everyone should have a Title and Securitization Search done. -
Join me in my fight America! Because divided we might have fell! But United We Must Stand!
My name is John Wright AND I AM FIGHTING BACK!
Read John’s Daily Blog at on how to join this fight!
John Wright
'Bussed in.' Who is being bussed in? Do you think that anyone can just go to any voting booth and vote without showing ID that they are in the district? This is the USA. Do you know how many independent groups observe our voting results? We have people all over the world monitoring voting in other countries. But you believe these conspiracies about how a black president could not happen unless there was some sort of voting fraud. Did you get repulsed at ACORN or the lame attempt to fraud them into demise that actually worked because of morons like you that believe any propaganda as long as it fits your narrow view of reality?
Our rights are being sliced away and you side with apathy. Good job.
One thing I've yet to hear adequately explained: If government programs you insultingly call "entitlements" like Social Security and Medicare are such losing propositions, then why is the for-profit sector so eager to get its meat-hooks into them? You know you wouldn't be here if that weren't true.
Names like "Heritage" don't evoke such warm fuzzy feelings as you'd like to think in a growing number of Americans, and names like "Occupy" are gaining appeal. This is one reason why.
Since the Ryan–Wyden proposal is based on working principles, there are still many policy questions to resolve. For example, it is silent on the future of Obamacare. Make no mistake: Structural Medicare reform should begin after full repeal of Obamacare. Furthermore, given the depths of our fiscal crisis, the proposal is slow to take effect. The Heritage proposal ( transitions to premium support beginning in 2016; Ryan–Wyden does not begin until 2022, the same date embodied in the House budget resolution.
Nonetheless, Ryan–Wyden continues the conversation about the need for fundamental structural Medicare reform. Trying to save Medicare through more government price controls will not do. Converting the outdated Medicare program into a premium-support model is the best and more honest way forward (
Listen, Countrywide and Bank of Destroying The American Dream might have already been paid back by several for loans from unidentified investors, multiple times, and by credit default swaps and insurance. It is a potential insurance fraud! Then they want the homeowner to pay them again! The simple fact is that our loans might have been concurrently sold into multiple Trusts at the same time, which would be equivalent to selling the same car over and over to several different people using a COPY of the pink slip or Title of the car. IT IS ILLEAGAL!
Nevertheless, If there is a break in the chain of title: “An obligor is not obliged to pay the instrument if the person seeking enforcement of the instrument does not have rights of a holder in due course and the obligor proves that the instrument is a lost or stolen instrument.” - U.C.C. provision, U.C.C. §3-305(c)
These bankers attitude reminds me of that song by George Harrison named “Piggies”.
Look, I am not looking for a free house. I am looking for a free country! These banks should be held accountable by the homeowner according to the laws of our land. This is why everyone should have a Title and Securitization Search done. -
Join me in my fight America! Because divided we might have fell! But United We Must Stand!
My name is John Wright AND I AM FIGHTING BACK!
Read John’s Daily Blog at on how to join this fight!
John Wright