Recent comments

  • Reply to: About ALEC Exposed   12 years 6 months ago
    John, that was my initial reaction after reading this information on ALEC. How does one send a message like this. The local state farm guy has no idea the significance as he is a franchisee... I have insurance with state farm and this is a huge issue for me.
  • Reply to: Breaking Up with the Sierra Club   12 years 6 months ago
    Thank you so much for this article. I had begun to have real doubts about the Sierra Club when I kept getting requests to "thank president Obama" for various things he had done to "support" the environment from The Sierra Club,NRDC, etc. In fact I wrote to the Sierra Club expressing my surprise (and doubts)about what was going on with that. I no longer feel that any of our so-called environmental activist groups are clean.... We have all been sold out. It is a pity when the groups who have put so much energy into bringing "truth" to the public eye feel that in order to continue to do their work they must accept "a little trade off" with the very perpetrators they have been fighting! They should know better - that their supporters are the very folks who are actually seeking change and justice and in many ways are truly putting their lives on the line for it. In my opinion this is what is wrong with our country, our economy, our policies in general. A little wrong for the "good of all".... I call it selling out.
  • Reply to: Only People Can Vote—Only People Should Finance Campaigns, within Limits   12 years 6 months ago
    It seems to me that a simpler and more straight forward way is to have the FCC have radio and TV stations required to give all candidates on the ballot 120 minutes of prime air time free for use 60 days before an election. This would be in the stations charter when the station's license is renewed or the station is sold.
  • Reply to: Rampant GMO Contamination Unchecked by Judge   12 years 6 months ago
    March 28th, 2012 Press Release: Appeal Filed in Family Farmers V. Monsanto Case NEW YORK – Family farmers have filed a Notice of Appeal challenging Judge Naomi Buchwald’s February 24th ruling dismissing Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association et al v. Monsanto. The United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit in Manhattan will hear the farmers’ appeal, seeking to reinstate the case, which has received worldwide attention. The determined plaintiffs are moving forward with their lawsuit challenging Monsanto’s patents on genetically engineered seed technologies — and the biotechnology giant’s threat to sue farmers allegedly infringing on their technology should their crops become contaminated by Monsanto’s genetically engineered seed. For more, see the full press release [ here].
  • Reply to: Martial Law Now a Reality in Michigan   12 years 6 months ago
    YOU ARE VERY IGNORANT AND VERY UNHAPPY AND I FEEL SORRY FOR YOU. BUT YOU VOTED FOR THE DEMOCRATS AND MAYBE EVEN SOME OF THE REPUBLICANS THAT DID THIS TO YOU. By your votes at the holy ballot box you did this so stop complaining. You are getting exactly what you deserve.
