Recent comments

  • Reply to: Pinkwashing Turns on Itself with Breast Cancer Awareness Gun   12 years 10 months ago

    The thrust of the article is that a symbol of breast cancer awareness on a firearm is inappropriate because firearms are a common cause of violent deaths of women. A lot of the comments suggest that there are significant numbers of women who defend themselves from violent crime with handguns. It seems to me that pro-gun people should know the numbers, not be asking for them. I'm not against guns. I'm just interested in learning the number of women who successfully defend themselves from violent crime by wielding a gun. Who keeps such statistics? It would be enlightening to know which is higher, the number of women who die by firearms or the number of women who live by firearms? It would also be interesting to know, since so many violent crimes against women are committed by people they know, how gun action by women is treated by law enforcement and the courts.

  • Reply to: ALEC Disbands Task Force Responsible for Stand Your Ground, Voter ID, Prison Privatization, AZ's SB 1070   12 years 10 months ago
    While ALEC is dangerous to the rights of the Citizens, why are we not also going after the Senators who are accepting Corporate money in exchange for their support in Legislating the agendas of Private Interest Groups? Lobbying is at the center of all the troubles we are experiencing as a Nation. In the Private Sector, Lobbying would be considered Bribery. Bribery is illegal.
  • Reply to: State Farm Insurance Claims "No Fault" in Bankrolling ALEC   12 years 10 months ago
    Have you spoken to an insurance company / agent about high-limit personal umbrella insurance? I thought not. More than one company has told me that you've first got to have $100,000 per person liability insurance in your auto and home policies before you can get that big umbrella policy. Pain and suffuering awards can really get out of line, but at the same time, if you're really hurt badly, wouldn't you need more than doctor bills paid? If I got a bruised leg in a wreck, I don't think I'd want more than reimbursal for missing a day's work. Maybe a steak dinner, not not much more than that. If I was really on my back for months, I think I'd want a little more. Remember these lessons: look both ways before crossing the street; don't put beans in your nose and insurance companies and banks are not your friends.
  • Reply to: State Farm Insurance Claims "No Fault" in Bankrolling ALEC   12 years 10 months ago
    Pressured? I can't find anything wrong with shopping where I'm appreciated. That seems to be a "free market" kind of solution, doesn't it? I wouldn't patronize a hamburger store if I knew the managers robbed customers cars while they were inside buying hamburgers. Is that "ultraliberal?"
  • Reply to: Allegations of Massive Fraud in Wisconsin Recall Proved False   12 years 10 months ago
    How do you think Al Franken got elected in next door Minnesota. I thought Minnesotans were stupid but, if Wisconsin recalls Governor Walker and lets the union take over the state, they deserve what they get when they go down the tubes.
