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  • Reply to: Partisan Motivation Behind Voter ID Laid Bare   12 years 2 months ago
    Only the white landowners have skin in the game?? We _all_ have skin in the game since we are all subject tot he same laws (in theory). Well, as it turns out, the rich are able to skirt the laws, so maybe they shouldn't get to vote since they have less skin in the game. Meanwhile, the lower classes, whose children disproportionally serve in the armed forces, clearly have more skin in the game, so maybe they should get 2 votes.
  • Reply to: WTO Not So COOL: Rules Against Popular U.S. Meat Labeling Law   12 years 2 months ago
    Excellent idea -- if they refuse to label it -- don't buy it. And buy local -- the 100 mile diet and all that.
  • Reply to: WTO Not So COOL: Rules Against Popular U.S. Meat Labeling Law   12 years 2 months ago
    This is one of the best arguments yet for local farmers' markets and Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). It is becoming essential that we buy local and organic. Get out of town, find your local farmers and find out how to help. Lots of states have Tilth and Organic/Sustainable farming associations. Look them up, and see what you can do. Find the nearest food cooperative, and volunteer. We can no longer be passive victims of multinational agribusiness. Also, people really shouldn't be poisoning themselves with meat, whether it is from the U.S. or elsewhere -- not unless they want cancer and heart disease. Find out about how you can combine beans and corn, and any legumes and grains for a healthy complete protein that's greater than beef. It is also way cheaper. The only way the multinationals can thrive is on the passivity of the public. Also, if you want jobs to return to the U.S., boycott to the extent you can, all imported products, especially from China.
  • Reply to: Reagan's Top Economist Says GOP Misled the U.S. and Tanked the Economy   12 years 2 months ago

    I think the issue here is over spending. Tax cuts will not make or break our current debt situation. We need to stop spending 200% of our budgets. Think if you make $1000 a month, however every month you spend $2000. It will not matter if you get a 25% raise next year, if you keep spending $2000 a month you will go further and further into debt.

  • Reply to: Reagan's Top Economist Says GOP Misled the U.S. and Tanked the Economy   12 years 2 months ago

    Obama only intends to restore the higher tax on the part of income in excess of $250,000, not "end the tax cuts to people who make over $250,000," so rich folks still get to keep a big chunk of the "Bush tax cut". Of course, good Democrats are instructed to ignore this continued giveaway to the rich, and pretend Obama doesn't work for his rich donors like Romney works for his.
