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  • Reply to: Approval of New Chemical-Resistant GMOs Likely to Prompt Pesticide Escalation   12 years 5 months ago
    To what extent do GMO's contribute to the high cost of health care? Is there a connection to, Autism, Retardation, Down Syndrome, Genetic Disorders? I'm talking about, the long term Health Care issues plauging our species. I'm not a doctor, or medical profesional, just a man asking a reasonable question. Is there a connection between the myriad amounts of pestisides being used by thoughtless companies and political leaders, and the long term health problems effecting us as a people? If there is a connection, how many Billions of Dollars does it ad to the high Medicare, medicaid costs Nationaly? Millions possably billions of pests are killed by these Chemicals anualy, then they adapt, become resistant. This is happening with both Botanical and Biological pests. Is their a chance this patern could shift to Humans? God Forbid!! "A 2010 study found Bt in 93 percent and 80 percent of maternal and fetal blood samples, respectively. And, as organic farming comprises a tiny percent of farming overall, there’s no doubt that the Bt in their blood mostly, if not entirely, came from genetically engineered foods like Bt corn" What are we doing to our Grand Children!?! In the name of OUR BETTER INTERESTS! Above all...What are we as a species sacrificing in the name of greater CORPORATE PROFITS!?! How can anything grown be ORGANIC with "Pesticide drift"? EPA and CORPORATE PAYOLLA MUST END!! We need the EPA! it must be un-corrupted by the power of greed, in order to work for our species better interests. Peace
  • Reply to: U.S.-Funded War in El Salvador Casts Shadow over Romney/Ryan Campaign   12 years 5 months ago
    El Salvador has a very warm place in my heart as I lived there for a bit. You did a wonderful job going into the details and brought to light some facts about the war and Romney's ties then and now that would normally go left unchecked. This is what journalism should be. Very, very good. *pat yourself on the back*
  • Reply to: Six More Corporations Dump ALEC; 38 Companies Have Now Cut Ties with Corporate Bill Mill   12 years 5 months ago
    Corporations having to do busness IN the U.S. ARE wise to support U.S. middle/poor classes of Americans as WE are the citizens helping build their businesses while 'cookie cutter' Karl Rove Repub legislation of ALEC seeks to destroy us and outsource ALL our jobs in their 'wet dreams' of a Repub plutocracy!
  • Reply to: Romney Spokesperson Demoted for Blocking Questions about Abortion; Helped Scott Walker in the Recall   12 years 5 months ago
    Ciara has the bedside manners of an alligator and is a detriment to any campaign or staff on which she works. She was NOT Sharron Angle's communications director. She was a deputy CD. However, in the few months she worked for the Angle Campaign, she managed to generally annoy every Republican County Chair in the Silver State plus all of Angle's Nevada campaign team. She was regarded as a pawn of the NRSC by the Nevada Angle team and universally disliked. Nice to see nothing has changed!
  • Reply to: Fox's Michelle Malkin Goes to Bat for ALEC   12 years 5 months ago
    I read a link from your website which stated "How America Gave African-Americans Redress! It states "Brown vs Board, Civil Rights Act, Voting Rights and Affirmative Action. I would like to find that link again can you send it to me. It says how the Holocaust Victims and Japanese Internment Victims got monetary Reparations and all we got was Civil Rights. I and another person are working on a Redress Petition now. We are not African-American's we are Captive Descendants. African-Americans are immigrants and we are indigenous to America by Force, our forefathers were forced on those boats and we lost all the African Heritage and became Native Born American's making us indigenous American's (Captive Descendant's) I myself is truly tired of being clumped with other groups of people so they can hide their crimes against us which hasn't stopped.
