Paul Ryan, along with his senior running mate and their respective spouses, suffers from a disability that I've never seen described.
They suffer from self-selected atrophy of the empathy.
Symptoms of this unfortunately, not-rare-enough disorder frequently include: inability to comprehend life without large quantities of money; profound tone-deafness to the words that come out of their own mouths; impairment of the humor-gland, coupled with an almost complete aphasia of irony.
Rep. Paul Ryan's choice of new residence shows all the signs of an advanced case of this syndrome.
The GM plant officially closed in Dec 2008, while Bush was President. Ryan has consistently voted for policies that burden the middle class and poor. So much so that Catholic nuns and bishops have criticized his budget plan to expand tax breaks for the wealthy at the expense of the poor and middle class. We tried that. It does not work.
My state farm auto insurance expires Sept 1 and I'm signing a policy with a different company tomorrow. Ditto my homeowners insurance. I've been a State Farm customer for forty years and never had a complaint about my serivice but their involvement with ALEC is a deal breaker.
Todd f#$k-a-duck Akin unfortunately represents the views of Romney-Ryan on women. Their voting records on women's issues can't be erased. Too late to disown it. They are deeply mysogynistic. The term "legitimate rape" is not only anoxymoron, it is just plain dumba$$ stupidity.
Let some of these right-wingers talk to victims of rape in the military, let alone women who have no defense training. In fact, I think Republicans ought to be required to do community service by talking to dozens of women who have been sexually assaulted until they can grasp some idea of what it really feels like. They totally lack empathy, and are beyond "vignorant."
Let those who would force raped women to have children, and who defend the rights of the foetus stop murdering their fellow human beings like Dr. Tiller, and scores of others.
What woman would vote for asshats like these?
Todd Akin - You can't fix stupid, and this guy is living proof of it.
Holy cow- subversive? Really?
What exactly counts as subversive? People who don't agree with you? See, thats not really a democracy, when only certain groups (who have the right ideas) get to vote.