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  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   12 years 5 months ago


  • Reply to: Rick Berman Attacks the Humane Society   12 years 5 months ago
    HA... Your silly article even shows a photo of a sad little puppy when you attack the public information campaign that correctly points out that little puppies are not what the HSUS primarily protects. What made you pick the photo of the puppy?? To pull at the heartstrings of an unsuspecting public?? You had to be aware that the "Attack" is merely a correct dissemination of the fact that the HSUS is not primarily in the business of protecting cats and puppies. That is the sum total of what you are calling an attack... a correction of public opinion. The HSUS spends a small token of it's money protecting pets and the vast majority of it pursuing a PETA type agenda and your puppy has no place in this article, it should be a picture of a tasty looking chicken.
  • Reply to: Six More Corporations Dump ALEC; 38 Companies Have Now Cut Ties with Corporate Bill Mill   12 years 5 months ago
    Have we sent them thank-you notes? If not, why not?
  • Reply to: VP Role for Paul Ryan Has His Former Parish Priest Worried   12 years 5 months ago
    Thank you for the great article. And thank you for clearing up Paul ryan,s quote in his acceptance speech. "I have belonged to the same parish all my life." I knew it was un true and I did not know why he would lie about it. Great article. Thank you Father.
  • Reply to: ALEC Goes After the Center for Media and Democracy   12 years 5 months ago
    Koch Secret Memo Beware, little people, beware ... The only apparent power we have for fighting back, is the focusing power of the Magnifying Glass on their shadowy ways. Given the Koch Summit attendees "inroads" into the Traditional Media -- that focusing power, can be drowned out, any day of the week. And the forecast, calls for rain. "You want a Job, you better Vote their way." The Themis Advocacy has spoken. Ken Vogel, the reporter whom the Kochs threatened with arrest at their billionaires' confab in Rancho Mirage has reported in Politico in the past that the Kochs: " ...through their contributions, board positions and patronage of the leaders of outfits that have been prominently featured at their donor conferences, such as Americans for Prosperity and THEMIS, a fledgling voter micro-targeting initiative spearheaded by former Koch staffer Karl Crow..." THEMIS is the name of the "three high-tech goon firms that spied on Change to Win (of which the Teamsters are a member), SEIU, ChamberWatch and bloggers such as ThinkProgress. They've all criticized the Chamber's agenda of letting multi-national corporations send more U.S. jobs overseas and destablize working families by forcing down wages even as U.S. unemployment approaches 10 percent." What does Team Themis actually do? Well, emails made public by an activist group of computer hackers showed: "...the Chamber hired the lobbying firm Hunton and Williams. Hunton and Williams’ attorney Richard Wyatt ... solicited a set of private security firms — HB Gary Federal, Palantir, and Berico Technologies (collectively CALLED TEAM THEMIS , to develop tactics for damaging progressive groups and labor unions, in particular ThinkProgress, the labor coalition called Change to Win, the SEIU, US Chamber Watch, and" So, in addition to Orion, and with TEAM THEMIS, the Kochs plan to spend $88 million on promoting their agenda of turning the United States into a banana republic by busting unions, empowering corporations and eliminating environmental regulation. Think Progress suggest Barr began assembling the "target folders," including pictures and personal information of the family members of staffers at the labour groups and anti-Chamber of Commerce groups. Isn't this what in other contexts, would be called an "Enemies List" ? Hello Big Brother ... Whatever the mission statement on the wall at Chamber headquarters says in addition to profits over people, the organization's main objective at the moment seems to be burying Americans deep in disinformation. Anything that stands even slightly in the way of that, as the executive order on transparency would do, is bound to be included in that disinformation campaign. Nothing is more inimical to the Chamber's long-term goals than allowing rank-and-file Americans know who is behind so many of the lies of its members. Like the ones about climate change that keep the nation scurrying headlong down a dead-end path. People, this is TEAM THEMIS: PURPOSE: Develop a corporate information reconnaissance service to aid legal investigations through the open source collection of information on target groups and individuals that appear organized to extort specific concessions through online slander campaigns. SOLUTION: Develop collection solutions for information on individuals and groups of interest SUCH AS THE FOLLOWING TACTICS -- Standardize and store information in common DB for structured analysis -- Analyze digital artifacts and social links within common visual framework -- Report correlated information in individual and organizational profiles Here are some of their tech strategies. Data Integration: Team Themis developers and engineers will leverage their extensive knowledge of Palantir's development and data integration environments to integrate all relevant data in one single, robust analytics layer. All of the data collected will be integrated seamlessly into the Palantir analysis framework to enhance link and artifact analysis. The platform's powerful approach to data integration will enable enterprises to unify data schemas, thus allowing analysts to depict and query otherwise disparate pieces of information in a secure and collaborative environment. Thanks to Palantir's sophisticated data integration capabilities, analysts within the CIRC will also be able to ingest both structured and unstructured data and perform real-time entity resolution against user-defined criteria on the fly, culminating with the fusion of multiple data sources and enrichment of single-source data feeds. Target Folders Develop in-depth target dossiers for key entities and groups; will include key biographic data, relationships, intentions, etc. "Wow! Forget about a Paper Trail -- Beware of your Digit Footprints, just waiting to be collated ... in a far off corporate war room" BTW Themis was the Titan goddess of divine law and order--the traditional rules of conduct first established by the gods. She was also a prophetic goddess who presided over the most ancient oracles, including Delphoi. In this role, she was the divine voice (themistes) who first instructed mankind in the primal laws of justice and morality, such as the precepts of piety, the rules of hospitality, good governance, conduct of assembly, and pious offerings to the gods. In Greek, the word themis referred to divine law, those rules of conduct long established by custom. Unlike the word nomos, the term was not usually used to describe laws of human decree. It really bothers me how they have elected to DESECRATE THE GODDESS THEMIS by using her name, and perverting what she really stands for.
