Recent comments

  • Reply to: Wisconsin Lawmakers Exploit Loophole to Hide ALEC Ties   12 years 1 week ago
    So can an open record request be submitted asking for all records for, say, the coming month? With a request pending the records could not be -legally- deleted. (Not that following the law has ever been a consideration of republican legislators.)
  • Reply to: Constituents Say Paul Ryan's Economy Isn't Working for Them   12 years 1 week ago
    Thanks for your comment. We have clarified that the house is in the Courthouse Hill Historic District.
  • Reply to: Constituents Say Paul Ryan's Economy Isn't Working for Them   12 years 1 week ago
    Thanks for your comment. We have clarified that the house is in the Courthouse Hill Historic District, but we never said it was on the National Register of Historic places. We are aware there is more than one home associated with the Parker and Ryan families.
  • Reply to: Constituents Say Paul Ryan's Economy Isn't Working for Them   12 years 1 week ago
    And Paul Ryan doesn't live in the "Mansion Hill" district; he lives in the Courthouse Hill district. See:
  • Reply to: Paul Ryan's Criticisms of Akin Contradict His Own Efforts to Redefine Rape   12 years 1 week ago
    Todd f#$k-a-duck Akin unfortunately represents the views of Romney-Ryan on women. Their voting records on women's issues can't be erased. Too late to disown it. They are deeply misogynistic. The term "legitimate rape" is not only an oxymoron, it is just plain dumba$$ stupidity. Let some of these right-wingers talk to victims of rape in the military, let alone women who have no defense training. In fact, I think Republicans ought to be required to do community service by talking to dozens of women who have been sexually assaulted until they can grasp some idea of what it really feels like. They totally lack empathy, and are beyond "vignorant." Let those who would force raped women to have children, and who defend the rights of the foetus stop murdering their fellow human beings like Dr. Tiller, and scores of others. What woman would vote for Asshats like these? Todd Akin - You can't fix stupid, and this guy is living proof of it.
