Thanks to the companies that dropped their membership to ALEC, I hope it was done in earnest. Unfortunately most Americans are not aware of this sort of activity (let's call domestic terrorism). I think it would be noble for companies that dropped membership with ALEC to2jxrs disclose this information along with advertising for their products.
Listen Dyall, you are a regular to articles and blogs written about GMOs. I read your comments all the time and have found you to be full of hot air and vitriol regarding any critics of GMO's. It's obvious you are in the deep pockets of Monsanto and the rest of the biotech cronies. Please do yourself a favor and educate yourself on the truth. Here is THE truth. Organic food and food grown from the earth, NOT from technology is more nutritious and safer for the human body. I absolutely go out of my way to avoid GMO ingredients at all costs, I grow my own food and buy from local organic farmers. I would NEVER choose a GM food over a food where I know it's source and is from a local, organic farmer. I would much rather my money be paid to a man or woman who cares about the soil they have and the food they grow and the future of the children and the earth. You are outright LYING when you say that more and more countries around the globe are adopting it. Actually, try the opposite. More and more countries, now OVER 50 countries have BANNED GMO's or they have MANDATORY labeling. And you are dead wrong about the British; I am British. And your ignorance about pesticides doesn't surprise me. I bet that is the only thing they teach you idiots isn't it? Actually, there are MANY natural way to control pests, but the most amusing bit of information here is that pests are necessary for a garden to be healthy. The organic lobby wouldn't discuss your lies because well, they're outright lies. Telling adults to grow up and face reality is something you should practice. Face reality, yes that is it. When you finally see the detrimental outcome of GMO's in the environment and when your children are poisoned because of them or your cattle are killed bc they ate a few cotton plants, then you will see the light. LYING PIECE OF SHIT!
My insurance policy with State Farm expires soon. I am not renewing, and have told them why: If they stay with and support ALEC, they can forget about my business. Every time I see their ads on basketball or other sporting events, its just make me remember how they contribute to furthering things that are against my core principles. They hurt ME... and then they want MY business? NO WAY!
Brendan, I understand that in PR watch's collective mind this is all about ALEC. But if you want people to respond to your story; your going to have to provide a little background on Mr Thompson. He has a long history and it isn't pretty. Surely it would be O.K. to write a little about that. You have the internet, it is really quite simple to discover the skeletons. After all he is getting ALEC funds because he is supporter of the same policies. We'd love to read what you find out.
Thanks again, Lisa Graves for your most illuminating article!
It really galls me how these plutocrats have elected to DESECRATE THE GODDESS THEMIS by using her name for a spying, personal-information-data-gathering-big-brother- impersonator-secret-information corporation, and how they have PERVERTED what she really stands for. They now worship the goddess Ayn Rand- you know - the one who was in love with a serial killer. Instead of Team Themis, they should have selected the name Team Ayn Rand.
If you look her up, here is some of the treasure trove you will find on goddess Rand, who is more like one of the Greek Furies, IMO:
"Rand advocated reason as the only means of acquiring knowledge and rejected all forms of faith and religion. She supported rational and ethical egoism, and rejected ethical altruism. In politics, she condemned the initiation of force as immoral and opposed all forms of collectivism and statism, instead supporting laissez-faire capitalism, which she believed was the only social system that protected individual rights..."
Ayn, I Got Mine, Go Frack Yourself, b!tch on wheels Rand!
Orion is another famous Greek name. In Greek literature he first appears as a great hunter in Homer's epic the Odyssey, where Odysseus sees his shade in the underworld.
Orion played several roles in ancient Greek culture. The story of the adventures of Orion, THE HUNTER, is the one which is most popular; he is also the personification of the constellation of the same name; he was honored as a hero, "in the Greek sense..."
Now, we have the corporation, Orion Strategies, a lobbying firm in Washington run by Randy Scheunemann. whose main job is to feed its "framed-information" to journalists and to affect the way a story is spun in the media. It functions as a neoconservative "echo chamber", and it has on several occasions been involved in hyping and pushing wars.
Again, here we have the creation of some plutocrats who have DESECRATED THE GREEK GOD ORION, by stealing the name of a pure and popular hero of Greek mythology, and calling their corporation "ORION."
Need to know more nauseating information about Orion Strategies?
Well, although it is very subversive and decadent, it is better to be depressingly informed than to be ignorant of these demons.
Ken Silverstein writes:
"Orion is run by Randy Scheunemann, a former advisor to Donald Rumsfeld who helped set up the Committee for the Liberation of Iraq and was a leading advocate for the U.S. invasion in 2003. The committee in turn was created by the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), whose other leaders included Robert Kagan and Bill Kristol, founder and editor of the Weekly Standard. Scheunemann was John McCain’s foreign policy advisor during his 2008 presidential campaign, and later worked for Sarah Palin.
In 2010, Orion hired Michael Goldfarb, a McCain presidential spokesman who previously worked for PNAC and who was a contributing editor at the Weekly Standard (and who even as a lobbyist continues to periodically write for the magazine). Lake is also an ardent conservative whose reporting championed the Iraq war.
Orion seeks to create a media echo chamber on Georgia and Russia. Essentially it works like this: Tbilisi’s lobbyists generate contacts and information that they feed to sympathetic journalists. Orion frequently arranges interviews with Georgian officials and, not infrequently, stories centering on their charges magically appear soon afterward. Orion has wined and dined some reporters on its tab or picked up their travel expenses. There’s certainly nothing illegal about that but it’s worth noting that lobbyists are barred from maintaining these sorts of relationships with members of Congress because it so clearly presents, as we say in Washington, at least the appearance of impropriety."
Orion is friendly to and works with government officials and politicians whom its reporter friends regularly cite (especially McCain). Orion also works very closely with experts and organizations cited by these reporters, like the Foreign Policy Initiative, whose board of directors includes William Kristol, Robert Kagan and other neocons from the PNAC and the Committee for the Liberation of Iraq.