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  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   11 years 11 months ago

    >> . . .lethal. . .

    Yes, weed killers kill weeds. Humans working with weed killers need to be careful about exposure, but then working with any substance in large quantities can be hazardous. (Given the right conditions, wheat dust from a flour mill can explode.) Extensive testing has shown that the weed killer acts only on a biological process found in broad-leaf weeds. Beneficial insects, animals, human beings, etc., do not have an equivalent biological process and are unaffected.

    Please prove that said chemical is killing human children or livestock, or be called out as a liar.

  • Reply to: Nationwide Presses for Distance from ALEC, although its Lobbyist Won Big ALEC Award when its Old Top Lobbyist Led ALEC in 2008   11 years 11 months ago
    Reply to Anonymous who posted 10/14/12 at 908P Interesting how you throw out terms, but it seems you either don't know the meaning of those terms, or you're intentionally stirring the pot in error. In any case, Obama is NOT a socialist. He has defined himself as a "New Democrat". Look that up at wikipedia. Rmoney twists and turns so much on most issues, he's making himself into a pretzel. It's hard to know from day to day where he stands. But if you want to pay more for privatized Medicare and get less in Social Security, by all means, vote for Rmoney.
  • Reply to: Koch Social Media Policy May Be Unlawful; Employers Still Have Broad Leeway to Limit Employee Speech   11 years 11 months ago
    What if I worked at G.P. and I clicked "reply" and said "Thanks but no thanks, I'm voting for Obama", and then, they fired me on the spot? Political affiliation isn't protected under Title VII, only race, sex, gender, religion, national origin, age, disability...etc. If it's employment-at-will can they just fire me? Even if I had a "for-cause" provision could they claim insubordination for not voting for the candidate of their choice? Does Citizen's United really protect these threatening communications? This just seems so wrong.
  • Reply to: Nationwide Presses for Distance from ALEC, although its Lobbyist Won Big ALEC Award when its Old Top Lobbyist Led ALEC in 2008   11 years 11 months ago
    “Americans chooses between a Democracy or a Socialist Government this year”. If you are going to vote Democratic in this years election you are supporting freeloading, illegal immigration, the government controlling all aspects of our lives, the “New America” a Bankrupted Socialist Country teetering on becoming a Communist State! If this is the direction you want our country to go, vote Obama. If you are voting Republican this year’s election you want to keep the USA as a Democracy, follow our US Constitution, reduce taxes, fix our deficit, get rid of the government controlled health care system, stop the government in its discrimination practices in its enforcement of the immigration law on racial lines, Vote Romney If you are voting for someone other then the above you are wasting your vote and you will be giving Obama a voting edge.
  • Reply to: For Obama, Upside of Lackluster Debate: Less Ammo for the Super PAC Firing Squad   11 years 11 months ago
    We saw the candidates as they really are: Romney / Ryan were calm, thoughtful, gracious, Presidential and Vice-Presidential, brought good ideas for the betterment of America and its people; Obama / Biden were rude, wimpish, bullying, had trouble telling the truth, didn't really have any good ideas to help our country but tried to say they need 4 more years to get it right. VOTE ROMNEY / RYAN !!!!!
