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  • Reply to: ALEC Politician Claims ALEC Meetings Are "Open to the Public." Really?   12 years 3 months ago
    I have visited to this site multiple times and everytime I find beneficial jobs for me so I would suggest please come to this site and take the chance from here. <a href="">Builders Melbourne</a>
  • Reply to: Koch Social Media Policy May Be Unlawful; Employers Still Have Broad Leeway to Limit Employee Speech   12 years 3 months ago
    Koch Industry employers are strongly urged to vote as they see fit and select candidates who reflect their beliefs, not the candidates favored by Koch management nor the Koch brothers, whose voter intimidation is a totalitarian tactic. Remember, all Koch Industry employees, you are alone when you cast your vote. President Obama has asked Americans for their votes. By his own admission, the President is an imperfect man but an authentic candidate with an unfinished mission designed to benefit the middle class and the poor. Romney is a candidate with a seriously flawed character, a purveyor of lies, misinformation and constantly changing viewpoints that only serve his quest for the presidency. He is also the potential pawn of the ultra rich and corporate elites, as well as a vulture investor associated with a sly financial deal that resulted in 25,000 United Auto Workers (UAW) losing their jobs while he and his wife reaped possibly more than $100 million. This deal is possibly one reason he refused to reveal tax returns prior to 2010. (Search on You Tube for a video of Amy Goodman and Greg Palast relating to the purchase of Delco.)
  • Reply to: Approval of New Chemical-Resistant GMOs Likely to Prompt Pesticide Escalation   12 years 3 months ago
    Our country allows most of the toxic and dangerous chemicals to be used in just about everything, while most other countries know better and ban the uses of them. Why do you think our politicians fight so hard for private insurance ... medical care and the cancer business is booming. Don't ever believe there will be a "cure" for cancer, because it will NEVER be allowed to be produced and marketed here. Too much money to be made in the cancer business. The "dumbing down" of Americans is happening, thanks to the chemicals and the multitudes of vaccinations with chemical preservatives in them. Several generations of kids now have Autism and other neurological disorders in the Autism Spectrum. Throw in all the people that now suffer from Alzheimers, Parkinsons, MS and all other neurological disorders ... it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out.
  • Reply to: Walker Wins Paul Weyrich Award   12 years 3 months ago
    Unfortunately, Americans are anti-intellectual and independent to a fault. Democracy can only work if the electorate is well-informed, makes rational decisions, and thinks about the impact of decisions/policies on the whole of society. What we have now is an electorate that has been propagandized, makes emotional decisions, and bases decisions/polices on "am I better off". The plutocracy is firmly in charge.
  • Reply to: Koch Social Media Policy May Be Unlawful; Employers Still Have Broad Leeway to Limit Employee Speech   12 years 3 months ago
    I tell all those employees. Go on face book and tell the world about this. So other Countries can see what is going on in America business.
