I have seen two of the same billboards in Cincinnati, also in black neighborhoods. They were replaced by other signs as of a couple days ago. Are these related to the Milwaukee or Cleveland billboards?
All these terms are used by Communist and Socialists trying to use Terms that mean a One Group of People against those that are standing up and pointing out the Failure in the System to do what the System was built to do.
Social Justice has always been a mantra of Communists and Socialists and Fascist.
All these Union and Socialist Organizations Claiming to Defend the Voters Rights and Defend the People and the Common Good is all Doublespeak.
It has nothing to do with the People. It has everything to do with a Direct Power Play for more and more power. The larger the Group the more Power they control because they have more voices and speak for more people. This is NOTHING about Voter Rights EVEN REMOTELY. This is about all these Groups Garnering their OWN Power Base.
Then they can curry Favors from those that are in the Over All Power Structure. That is all that is going on here.
If Voter Rights and Fraud were REALLY a Major Concern and Anyone one in this mess actually cared they would ALL be concerned that the voter roles were purged of those no longer above ground walking the planet with a heart beat.
However, because Chicago Politics is the name of the game and power structures are the entire name of the game and gaining the larger power structure possible this has become a sacred cow and is being tossed about by the Media.
As a member of an Australian parliamentary committee investigating the merits and disadvantages of GM crops I visited Washington and spoke to many officials including the then Biotechnology Coordinator of the FDA Jim Maryanski.
Mr Maryanski claimed that there were adequate buffers to prevent the intermingling of crops modified to produce pharmaceuticals like insulin or hormones used in hormone replacement therapies. However, at arriving back at my hotel I picked up the Washington Post and read that a load of grain modified to cause clotting of blood was accidentally delivered to silos containing grain for bread making. If that grain had got to consumers many Americans could have died agonising deaths.
Mr Maryanski also confirmed that studies on the safety of GE (genetically engineered) foods were carried out by the proponent not the FDA. What the FDA did to verify the safety of novel GM protein was to look at the shape of the new protein molecules to see if they were a "similar shape" to natural non toxic proteins. I pointed out to Mr Maryanski that potatoes, eggplant peppers and tomatoes are all from the family solanaceae closely related to deadly nightshade.
However the worst problem with the growing of many genetically modified crops is that it means that consumers will not be able to get non-GE foods because of contamination.
The pedigree seed growers told our committee that they could not provide non GE seed unless farmers accepted up to 9% contamination. In addition the onus is on the non-GE growers to prove the purity of their crops rather than being on the GE grower to prevent contamination of nearby farms. This pushes costs on the non GE growers making them less financially competitive. This is why many farmers have been forced to grow GE. Representatives of both US and Canadian farmers told the committee that they wished GE had never been introduced.
Is it just me, or do they hide their contact info very well? They mention that people wanting to submit a grant application should mail or email, but I'm not seeing what those addresses are. I'd like them to know that their racist billboards aren't helping anyone's community, but they apparently don't want to be contacted.
the republican party are paying groups to mess with people's voter registrations to make it look like they have a higher allegiance to the party than they really have.