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  • Reply to: Einhorn Family Foundation Behind Voter Suppression Billboards   11 years 10 months ago
    Einhorn watched the Dow go from 6,800 when George W. Bush left office to now, over 13,000 during the Obama Administration. Einhorn has made many millions with Obama as president. But Einhorn can make more More MORE MILLIONS under a Romney administration. Einhorn is the one who's paid for huge billboards, voter suppression billboards. Unbridled Greed seems to be an itch that all the Einhorns of this country will never be able to scratch. The Romans, over 2000 years ago, crucified a man who spent his life trying to get people to give up their greed. Instead, help the poor, aid the sick. If you have two coats, give one to someone who is cold. Greed is transparent. It acts the same, no matter the situation. It is most transparent when it comes to people who desire to suppress voters their legal right to vote in these United States.
  • Reply to: Einhorn Family Foundation Behind Voter Suppression Billboards   11 years 10 months ago More info on these racist creeps:
  • Reply to: Einhorn Family Foundation Behind Voter Suppression Billboards   11 years 10 months ago
    Intimidation is about preventing a group from voting because of fear. Minority communities, as a group, have a negative view of law enforcement and the justice system because they are frequently targeted by these entities. Note the preponderance of young minority youth in jail. If you scare a small number of minority individuals from voting with bogus scary billboards you may succeed in stealing an election. The game is fear.
  • Reply to: Beyond Advertising: The Pharmaceutical Industry's Hidden Marketing Tactics   11 years 10 months ago
    Only New Zealand
  • Reply to: Einhorn Family Foundation Behind Voter Suppression Billboards   11 years 10 months ago
    Seems that if the Einhorns are so concerned about virtually non existent voter fraud, they should also put up a million other billboards directed to real and serious crime issues. The tie in to Baine Capital, hense Romney, is also very interesting. When blatant partison use of money corrupts our system, we all lose big time.
