Every single American should read this article and forward it to their representative in Congress. This is a great informative article that explains how the whole world is being ripped off at the pump by the oil manipulation by big oil. I applaud the author for having the courage to put the truth out there for the world to read. Thank you, Terry Steward
Mitt Romney says Lying is a Business Plan! - Information MSM Won't Tell You in Mitt's Own Words!
(1) Liar Romney Bain Capital Cover UPs:!
http://youtu.be/QCc_XgHSllU via @youtube
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(2) Dirty Secret Behind Bain Capital Profits Under Mitt Romney:
http://youtu.be/ENd0x4bqqVI via @youtube
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(3) Hypocrisy: Mitt Romney is Still Earning Millions From Bain Capital
: http://youtu.be/3Z_R4IelNGI via @youtube
bains spokesman said it all, no wages to assist anyone if any tragedy happens, just enough to live on if you work 24/7. they want people that are basically work animals. no workmans comp, no insurance for the elderly, no pensions for those too stupid not to put away for their retirement because they got injured or sick or something else that sucked the funds away. forget the fact that the wages given were at a level that there is not enough to feed cloth and house familys before you get to the level of putting away retirement pensions! most people pensions was in the real estate they lived in, they took care of that now didnt they????
we can exist all by ourselves, we should lock the borders, kick these companies out and start over!
And so, Community Business Association of Florida held a counter-event at the NFIB campaign stop in Orlando today with throngs of rowdy protesters holding Karl Rove masks chanting "Who fibs? N-FIB!"
The Goldman-Sachs number is ludicrous. In 2008, when Crude Oil hit $145, then dropped to $32 a Barrel, that Difference is YOUR effing Speculator Payoff. The US Wholesale Payout alone since 2006 is $2.2 Trillion, from a Gross or Net Wholesale Gasoline/Fuelburned out the tailpipe of $3.6 Trillion. This is the USDomestic Number NOT THE WORLDWIDE PILLAGING THESE SPECULATORS HAVE CAUSED WHICH INCLUDES THE ARAB SPRING. Stupid and INSIPID regulators and GOP Love Bunnies are your a__holes. Along with The Goldman-Sachs, et.al. THE GREAT ENERGY ROBBERY CONTINUES AT $1 Billion Per Day for the US. ADD ANOTHER $2.5 Billion per Day for the rest of the World's Economies and you have Pure Economic Servitude. And Collapse.