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  • Reply to: Same Day Voter Registration -- a "Problem" Walker Intends to Fix   11 years 9 months ago
    I still am baffled that Wisconsin voters were tricked into voting for the most corrupt politician our state has ever known. He's done all he can to "Divide and Conquer" his constituents. And now his latest ploy to suppress the democratic voice of the poor and those of color - his 47%. People like Walker don't know how difficult it can be for a poor person, who does not have an available form of transportation, to have to make a special trip to register. It's another of his solutions looking for a problem. The only problem I see is the fact that the fair-minded voters of the great State of Wisconsin were hood-winked into voting for an uneducated, corrupt, bellicose, fame-hungry goofball for governor.
  • Reply to: Watchdogs Shed More Light on ALEC on Eve of Group’s DC Summit   11 years 9 months ago
    Our Louisiana governor, Bobby Jindal, seems to have adopted the ALEC agenda for state government. He has passed a "voucher system" for students in "failing" public schools to attend private schools, with apparently no regulation of standards in private schools. He has contracted with a private company to manage Louisiana's social services. We had just as well hire a private company to run our state government.
  • Reply to: 117 ALEC Members Voted Out in 2012   11 years 9 months ago
    11/28/12 Irene, Go to this website and scroll down for your state. Bob
  • Reply to: WI Legislators Receive $24K in Campaign Contributions After Pushing ALEC Predatory Lending Bill   11 years 9 months ago
  • Reply to: This Is What Plutocracy Looks Like: Romney Suggests Obama Bribed Voters   11 years 9 months ago
    This bears repeating: "Apparently, when the government is responsive to the needs of working people and students it is called "gifting" and bribery, but when the government expends far more bailing out the big banks, it is business as usual." So relieved Romney lost. Now he needs to just fade away.
