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  • Reply to: 5 Things to Know about Billionaire Betsy DeVos, Trump Education Choice   7 years 7 months ago
    She is, essentially funding madrassas, schools with a religious bent-- her version of religion-- to the exclusion of all others, as if choosing a different school will make the difference to kids who arrive hungry and tired, with little in the way of books and literacy at home because parents are working too hard just to make ends meet to supply them with all the things Betsy took for granted growing up.
  • Reply to: Know Fake News: Summary   7 years 7 months ago

    Wow - You nailed this a decade ago and have kept up the good work. Thank you. We're being screwed by the US Gov't and it doesn't feel good!

  • Reply to: 5 Things to Know about Billionaire Betsy DeVos, Trump Education Choice   7 years 7 months ago
    Public Schools are a disgrace to Education and anybody who doesn't know that are either blind, stupid, and or never been to a public politically correct public school! If a parent is smart and cares about their children and are honest about it would NEVER send their child to a public school! That's a FACT!
  • Reply to: Know Fake News: Summary   7 years 7 months ago


    The term "fake news" has become a buzzword for everything outside of "establishment" narratives. There is a desire in certain circles to start a proxy war with Russia by way of Syria, so 'official outlets' like the Washington Post have been exposing so-called 'fake news' sites that are part of a Russian propaganda network with a Neo-McCarthyite list provided by 'anonymous experts' who are also calling for investigation of said sites by the FBI.

    I've worked in local news for 25 years and have been talking about propagandist VNRs on local news and their corrosive effects on Democracy. Now, the people who make and publish the VNRs are basically saying that anything NOT provided by the unregulated, multi-billion dollar PR industry is the 'real' fake news.

    Shocking and amazing.

    Welcome to the future.

  • Reply to: Don McGahn, Trump White House Counsel, Has Long Courted Controversy   7 years 8 months ago
    He's the best lawyer in DC....
