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  • Reply to: Michigan Passes "Right to Work" Containing Verbatim Language from ALEC Model Bill   11 years 9 months ago
    REGARDLESS of where you stand on any pending legislation, there is no valid MORAL argument for allowing elected legislators who have been VOTED OUT of office by their constituents to vote on proposed legislation in a "lame duck" session. These people weren't "laid off", they were FIRED, and should at BEST, be given their "severance" pay, made to hand in their keys, and sent home, as in the "private sector". The exceptions should be for voluntary retirement or election to a higher office by their constituents. If they ran for re-election, but lost, the legislative body to which they HAD belonged could then proceed, even if that body consisted of fewer members, OR the proposed legislation could be "tabled" until the swearing in of replacement members. After all, if an employee is FIRED in the private sector, even the highest paid CEO's with "golden parachutes", they are escorted to the door by security and their security passes are immediately revoked. Doesn't the public deserve the same security measures?
  • Reply to: ALEC's So-Called "Right to Work" Bill as Political Revenge in Michigan   11 years 9 months ago
    Someday, hopefully, the middle class will realize that it owes its existence to organized labor and that the only answer to stopping the downhill slide of the middle class is to rebuild the unions into a unified force able to withstand the assault by the corporate moguls like the Koch Brothers and their sinister organization A.L.E.C. So far A.L.E.C. is winning and so many middle class people are shooting themselves in the foot by criticizing unions.
  • Reply to: ALEC-Inspired Union-Busting Bill Narrowly Passes in Michigan as Koch Group Cheers   11 years 9 months ago
    You know nothing about unions and are just a hater looking for anything to back up your hater position. We all lose in Michigan because of haters like you!
  • Reply to: From Capitol Hill, Rep. Hank Johnson Highlights ALEC Connection to MI Right to Work Law   11 years 9 months ago
    To try to solve the growing gap between the rich and everyone else, @10 (, is taking submissions for strategies to make society more equitable. Submissions are due January 15th, registered users will vote after that, and results will be publicized in early February. Join us as we solve America's toughest problems.
  • Reply to: After a Controversial Year, ALEC Convenes in Washington with Damage Control at Top of Agenda   11 years 9 months ago
    This is disgusting how they have charitable status can anyone in Washington justify this or say they did not now.
