Recent comments

  • Reply to: Vouchers on the Move: Return to School Segregation?   7 years 6 months ago
    Great points about vouchers and their history, except that it misses the Chilean example, which is a universal voucher scheme instituted in the 1980's. It led to the same types of segregation explained here and should be Exhibit A about why the U.S. should not pursue a national voucher strategy.
  • Reply to: 5 Things to Know about Billionaire Betsy DeVos, Trump Education Choice   7 years 6 months ago
    I'm shocked at the lack of knowledge she has about education. She has no qualifications other the buying her way in. Putting her in charge of the Dept. of Education would be like putting a custodian in charge of the CIA.
  • Reply to: 5 Things to Know about Billionaire Betsy DeVos, Trump Education Choice   7 years 6 months ago
    It is evident that you have no idea what you are talking about and have made no effort to educate yourself on problems within the failing schools. It is not the staff or teachers at schools that are failing children. The parents and community of these schools are failing the children. The parents do not raise their children with any value of education and are not educated themselves. They do not help their children with homework or even ask if their children have homework. They don't read with their children or do any of the things required for their children to be successful. That is the problem with failing schools. We need to begin the put money into educating women from the time they are pregnant of their duty to help their children be successful in school.
  • Reply to: Egg Land's Worst   7 years 6 months ago

    I will never ever buy these eggs again..what lies...i cant believe the people who work here defend this bs..makes me sick and bad karma is headed there way. Going to be starting a new boycott campaign against this POS Farm i mean FACTORY

  • Reply to: Peabody Coal Bankruptcy Reveals Climate Denial Network Funding   7 years 6 months ago
    "It takes 240,0000 tons of C02 to make an 80 meter wind mill which only last about 25 to 35 years." What research do you refer to on this. Sounds like fake news. Here are links to sources:
