Recent comments

  • Reply to: Bills to Label Genetically Engineered Foods Introduced in Illinois and Iowa   11 years 11 months ago
    There is nothing natural about the food we eat. Without fertilizer the earth could only feed 1 billion people. But now the population is out of control and the hope is with engineered foods they all can afford enough to eat.
  • Reply to: State Farm Insurance Claims "No Fault" in Bankrolling ALEC   11 years 11 months ago
    I have been with State Farm 35 years, know the agent well, and just can't stomach their support for ALEC. Esp. now with climate change being a target of ALEC policy. Have to go elsewhere, but also saved $500 a year in the process.
  • Reply to: We Can Fix This? In SOTU, Obama Shoves Voting Reform into 'Sock Drawer,' Leaving Many Disappointed   11 years 11 months ago
    I am so angry that no-one and I mean absolutely no-one is talking about nursing homes! Sequestered is coming is a lie! A big one! While hundreds on nursing homes budgets are being cut forcing them into selling (out) to the corporate culture or die. Want to know more I'll tell you if not I'll just put it cover-up all the way to...?? Eyes Open Wide - izopnyde
  • Reply to: On Anniversary of Trayvon Martin's Death, ALEC-Backed Stand Your Ground Laws Remain on Books   11 years 11 months ago
    The stand-your-ground law doesn't apply to George Zimmerman because he was the pursuer AND aggitator of the incident. The law applies to a person who is put into a threatening confrontation. I believe this is the precise reason why the prosecutor decided to charge him. HE was the put it into perspective: if a person accompanies someone else in a robbery, then someone dies as a result, then the one who accompanied ALSO gets charged with murder even if he didn't do the shooting.
  • Reply to: Pete Peterson’s “Fix the Debt” Astroturf Supergroup Detailed in New Online Resource at   11 years 11 months ago
    Lisa, it's a great idea to have insightful information about the Astroturf elitist group 'Fix the Debt' and to provide revealing information on Peterson and his ruling-elite cohorts by exposing their schemes under the punchy title, "PetersonPyramid" --- all of that is very instructive and constructive in and of itself. Having applauded you for that however, forming an increasingly large number of different specific 'issues' web-sites, and separately funded vehicles for addressing the constantly growing number of ruling-elite schemes may not be the best way to aggregate real action against the better-funded ruling elite. In order to attract, energize, and leverage a significant number of concerned citizens against such ruling-elite 'symptom problems' like; austerity schemes, the sequestration scam, growing gun violence, Global Warming, PR propaganda, ALEC infection of state legislatures, vast inequalities of income and wealth, drone assassinations, spying, lying, looting, wars, torture, etc., etc., etc. ---- it would make more effective use of citizen attention and action (and would certainly focus the limited funding of citizen groups) to employ a common narrative and collective theme that can be used to pull together ---- rather than separate ---- the energies, actions, funds, and efforts of as wide a base of citizens as possible against the much more wealthy, powerful, and focused aggressive forces of the ruling-elite tip of that pyramid of Empire. For example the PetersonPyramid of Empire, would reinforce rather than divide and conquer citizens' understanding, funding, truthful information, and action against the overall schemes, shocks, and attacks of the ruling-elite pyramid of Empire --- while continuing to educate, engender, and enhance the power of people against the Empire of the Elite. Lisa, I really respect, applaud, and congratulate your great efforts through The Center for Media and Democracy (and all your other sub-groups and sub-web-sties) for attacking the elitist enemy on all fronts ---- but there is some lack of 'force concentration' in having such a wide, disaggregated, stretched, and necessarily unfocused attack strategy that distributes these separate efforts. BTW, the same can be said of Amy Goodman's fine "Democracy Now" TV show, and many principled left/progressive traditional and web publications like; CommonDreams, truthdig, The Nation, Op Ed News, etc., etc., etc. --- which all try to address all the 'symptom problems' that this not fully diagnosed, understood, exposed, or revealed ruling-elite Empire causes. While such a well intended, but broad-brush and dissipated attack strategy against the common enemy of the people is certainly interesting for a minority of activists (myself included) to read daily about in a large number of web-sites, the dispersed nature of these multiple web-sites (of which The Center for Media and Democracy is a key example) spreads attention, thoughts, funding, and actions perhaps too broadly to seriously 'take-on' the focused efforts, propaganda, and funding of the ruling-elites' single Empire of deceptive effort in splitting, dividing, and conquering the honest and principled left/progressive forces. We are only held hostage by their disguised ruling-elite Empire because it is able to remain hidden, camouflaged, disguised and unrecognized --- and thus able to get away with its deceitful posing as a normal and acceptable democratic Republic --- when, in fact, it is a disguised Global EMPIRE. Merely shining light on this vampire of the ruling-elite EMPIRE will focus the combined forces of the people, breach its defensive camouflage, and will kill it in an instant!. Best luck and love to the fast expanding 'Occupy Empire' educational and revolutionary movement against this deceitful, guileful, disguised EMPIRE, which can't so easily be identified as wearing RedCoats, Red Stars, nor funny looking Nazi helmets ---- quite yet! Liberty, democracy, justice, and equality Over Violent/'Vichy' Rel 2.0 Empire, Alan MacDonald Sanford, Maine We don't merely have a gun/fear problem, or a 'Fiscal Cliff' problem, or an expanding wars problem, or a 'drone assassinations' problem, or a vast income & wealth inequality problem, or a Wall Street 'looting' problem, or a Global Warming and environmental death-spiral problem, or a domestic tyranny NDAA FISA spying problem, or, or, or, or .... ad nauseum --- we have a hidden EMPIRE cancerous tumor which is the prime CAUSE of all these 'symptom problems'.
