Recent comments

  • Reply to: Democracy Now! Interviews Lisa Graves and John Nichols About Exposing "Fix the Debt" Campaign   11 years 11 months ago
    Let the Kleptocratic Larcenists fail. Break up the behemoth banks. Do not subsidize them. They are strangling the life out of us, and are nothing but greedy vampire squid zombies who want to make us their slaves. The President, the Congress, and We the People can do this. FDR stood up to these Fascists, and we can too. We must, while there is still a planet left. The Private Central Banking Club that is the Fed, and Wall Street, and the gargantuan corporations want to Sequester us even more? How dare they. We can't let them do it.
  • Reply to: Lords of Disorder: Billions For Wall Street, Sacrifice For Everyone Else   11 years 11 months ago
    We are told by grifters (the bought democrats and republicans, who are the revolving door puppets of Wall Street and the casino lobbyistslike) that we can't have the Post Office, or decent health care, or Social Security, or Medicare, or Medicaid, and must take cuts upon cuts to basic services. This is the Shock Doctrine, and they thrive on crisis after crisis. This is Austerity. Get those greedy bastidges out - -the Wall Street Casino, the Private Central Bankers, the lobbyists the Greedy Midases who pull the strings of "We the Puppets". We don't want their noose around our necks. We can't afford THEM. They will not stop until they have drained all our lifeblood. We have the money, and Congress has the money, but they also want our Social Safety Nets. Get the bastidges out.
  • Reply to: Conversation with "Fix the Debt," Help Count the Pinocchios   11 years 11 months ago
    Why did Congress compose, orchestrate and conduct the Sequester? Because they want to take the Social Safety Nets. The Sequester is abominable, hideous, and one of the most blatant signs that Congress is a revolving door for the greedy part of the 1%. The President and Congress did not have to do this. We didn't vote for them to take our money. We don't want more Austerity. Look around the world and see how it doesn't work. We have the money to rebuild this country. But it is being funneled to the behemoth Corporations and the Wall Street Central Banking System, which has a bottomless pit for an appetite. We the People must stop this idiocracy.
  • Reply to: On Anniversary of Trayvon Martin's Death, ALEC-Backed Stand Your Ground Laws Remain on Books   11 years 11 months ago
    The only Bias regarding George Zimmerman is your bias. I agree with the other comment regarding your lack of schooling. It is quite obvious your view of the situation is colored by your own ignorance.
  • Reply to: "Racial Entitlements?" Long-Term Effort to End Voting Rights Act and Affirmative Action May Finally Pay Off   11 years 11 months ago
    This BS is insidious and disgusting. I'd be more wiling to sign a bill preventing baby boomers from having anything to do with the politics in this country ever again, then sign away voter rights and affirmative action. You don't like the programs? Reform them. You want to save money for the country? Defund the Dept of Defense. This is a country for all people, not plutocratic old white men hell bent on destroying whatever prevents them from keeping every dime they make off of slave labor. Anyone ho even thinks this is an OK topic to bring to the table after undermining a class of people for over 400 years needs to be very, VERY ashamed of themselves. Greed is so g'dam'ed UGLY! There's a special place in hell for this lot.
