A balanced budget is an impossibility in context of an unbalanced price-system which under the existing flawed system of finance and cost-accounancy the present price-system is. Rather than issuing psuedo debt liquidity to banks so they can create and issue more debt for production thus creating new and additional costs to be liquidated we should provide debt-free consumer credits to balance the growing capital costs in the price system--these credits being issued instead of consumer debt as Consumer Dividends and payments to Retailers so that they can lower their prices at point of sale. These consumer credits should as an item of consumption be written down from a properly constructed National Credit Account including all productive national assets capable of creating a financial cost if used for production. Because all newly found assets and new real capital projects would be credited to the NCA,
it would, nevertheless, always be growing. Are we to see the end of civilization merely because we lack the intelligence to fashion a sane financial system and continue blindly to worship and genuflect before a flawed numerical abstraction? We can do anything that we are psychologically and physically capable of doing. All things physically possible must be made financially possible and no irrational credit system should stand in our way. After all "money" is simply accountancy and what we need is sound and honest accountancy.
Read words of sanity for a change;
ALEC and the Republicans/TeaBaggers have been very successful at demonizing unions and over the past few years, thus paving the way to wage suppression and reducing earned benefits.
You are so right! What can we do to stop it? No one (Obama, Supreme Court, Senate, Congress...) seems to care. They seem to ALL be corrupt, heartless, and incapable of telling the truth.