If you want to be taken seriously as a commenter, telling the writer to "do your research" when you don't specify what you think is wrong with the article accomplishes nothing.
If you want to be taken seriously as a journalist , do your research. The defamation case was dismissed. My God stop and think before you publish , is it true, is it helpful and is there anything missed?
A study released in 2010 by the California Cancer Registry showed that cancer rates in Hinkley "remained unremarkable from 1988 to 2008." An epidemiologist involved in the study said that "the 196 cases of cancer reported during the most recent survey of 1996 through 2008 were less than what he would expect based on demographics and the regional rate of cancer."
This author is uninformed and obviously has a biased opinion. Industry scientists are usually the best around. That is why they are solicited for scientific panels. Science doesn't lie, people do. PG&E was harassed into paying a $333 million settlement of which, Brokovich's firm got $133 million dollars. The legal suit was not "won" by anyone. That's the way most big class action suits work. The law firm gets rich for harassing a company until they decide that it will cost more to keep being harassed than to just pay them to stop harassing.
Chromium is a very heavily regulated chemical. If she can't even find those facts out correctly, what can she "investigate" properly?
ALEC and the Republican WAR ON DEMOCRATIC VOTERS is alive and well, spreading like a vicious and relentless fatal cancer across America. They won't rest until they've FIXED and RIGGED the entire voting process and destroyed Democracy as we know it.