This is a classic David vs. Goliath issue that the people need to win.As our planet is continually raped by oil, coal, and natural gas our planet needs an army to defend it.The oil industry is a well oiled machine no pun intended because the propaganda they perpetrate on a daily basis.Funny thing is the taxpayers subsidize them but they never share the profit.Fossil fuel will be the downfall of our planet and the GOP backs everything they want.When yellow journalism being done by fox news with their staple of climate change deniers use god as there tool to deceive simple minds is cause enough to be very alarmed.When greed trumps common sense should cause great concern among the environmentalist.When the propaganda machine they run call activist eco terrorist is the disgusting formula the fuel companies use.As our democracy is not a democracy anymore due to the corporations being given the same rights as a person shows that the supreme court is not balanced and has been bought and payed for by polluters such as exxon mobil bp chevron and many others in the fossil fuel industry.If things don't change soon the human race will cease to exist and it won't be the revelation it will be human greed.
Nick, you're so *clever*! More clever than informed, it seems.
Large corporations don't settle lawsuits they can win: they owe that to their shareholders. Further, settlements usually have gag clauses attached -- because the corporations don't want people to know how much they actually paid out.
And yes, "science" *does* lie. Please research funder bias, and you'll find the many ways in which studies are designed to provide the "desired" result. Please research the process for licensing new chemicals (including pesticides, drugs and vaccines) and you'll see that that process is far from being impartial. And ... guess who's getting favored in all that partiality? Hint: it's not "the taxpayer" or "the common citizen." Or you -- unless it's your job to troll along e-mail lists like this and plump for the corps.
Scott Walker is not creating jobs.They have been shipped overseas.
He is busily chipping away at democracy and creating a authoritarian dictatorship under the guise of legality. The peoples will, not enters the right's picture less and less.We must fight back and let ALEC win
No, that's not what he is saying. What he is saying is that the black voters of Detroit placed a higher priority on the race of election candidates than on the competency and qualifications of those candidates. They elected people over and over based on race, instead of competency. So, they got what they deserved, which was a legacy of incompetent, corrupt elected officials, ultimately leading to the situation they find themselves in now.
DemocracyNow! has done some great coverage of this issue also, FYI.
Thanks for this article. The social media problems with slandering people is huge. If people start to get charged and sentenced with criminal behavior who use this to hurt others, perhaps this will start to let up?
Just not sure, but sure shows that this really gets people stirred up if they have the info in front of them.