To the tribal leaders, you all have abused the spearing and taking away fish that has taken this state millions of dollars to stock and have pissed off so many at doing so!!!!! In such a way as to leave piles of uncleaned fish or bragging boars and pics of muskie's laying on the ice at fis spearring contest's, that you are soon going to feel the pain at the casino's, for you cant rape our lakes, then want us to back you on some thing about our lakes! PLEASE we all can work on our great state and all its lakes together,thanks DK
Indeed the state level is very important in this battle--being closer to the grassroots you can build a wider base, and set the tone for the outcome on KXL. It's also a great arena for changing hearts and minds because you reach folks who aren't necessarily looped in to national/global politics on this issue--they're focused on the economic/jobs alleged benefits, and would require being met more locally to get them on board. If this pipeline is really going to be stopped we need to preach far beyond the choir!
I have lived in Arizona since 1962 and watched these Council for National Policy; Privatizers; ALEC; Heritage Foundation i. e. Goldwater Institute and the corporate privateers rob the citizens of their buildings and public schools. These people are destroying our representative government. Thank you for all your effort.