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  • Reply to: “ALEC Who?” ALEC Has an Identity Crisis   11 years 5 months ago
    Un American Un legislate Short Change Cowards
  • Reply to: Tax Day Repurposed To "Illuminate" Corporate Tax Evaders   11 years 5 months ago
    <blockquote>The idea that it is wrong for a corporation to take advantage of the tax code is ridiculous."</blockquote> Even more ridiculous is the idea that corporations should able to buy the Congress to write the tax code to suit themselves, and that ordinary voters don't get many chances to vote against that in either party. But there it is. Somehow you seem to have missed that whole point.
  • Reply to: Tax Day Repurposed To "Illuminate" Corporate Tax Evaders   11 years 5 months ago
    This article mistakes tax avoidance for tax evasion. Tax avoidance is legal and should be every American's goal - using the tax code to receive the highest refund available (or pay the lowest amount possible). Tax evasion on the other hand, is illegal and can land you in prison. You paint Corporations out to be evil when they are taking advantage of rules passed by Congress. Take your complaints there. The idea that it is wrong for a corporation to take advantage of the tax code is ridiculous. You do the same thing each year when you claim a personal exemption or take a standard deduction or receive the earned income credit - using the tax code to your benefit. Should I look for your name on that tax evaders website? Write Congress if you have a problem with the tax code. Don't fault Corporations that minimize tax liability working within the constraints of the Tax Code.
  • Reply to: Sen. Sanders and Rep. Deutch Press for New Democracy Amendment   11 years 5 months ago
    Amendments introduced so far do not close loopholes. The 2nd part as proposed by Move to Amend, "money is not speech" needs to be included in any amendment. If none of us had to donate to politicians' campaigns we would be assured that the elected official was not influenced by anyone's money. A shorter campaign with debates as they used to be- given during donated times on major networks, news that is not planted by heavily funded groups but reported by newspaper reporters, would begin to restore trust. HR House Joint Resolution 29 introduced February 14, 2013 addresses both aspects.,, Corporations are not persons. Money is not speech.
  • Reply to: Sen. Sanders and Rep. Deutch Press for New Democracy Amendment   11 years 5 months ago
    In this time of hypocrisy and environmental destruction, the single most important thing we must do is to SAVE our Democracy. It is beyond party politics. We need massive public organization and information to spur the simple pressure of all citizens on Congress. Call and write all media outlets and your representatives and talk to friends, until America hears what IS possible for us to do to reclaim the voice of our country and make representatives accountable to citizens not corporations.
