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  • Reply to: Creatures of the Dark: Wisconsin GOP Caught Deleting Records, Again   11 years 4 months ago
    peopl here in Wisconsin are definitely pushing for walker and his group to be ousted. it's a shame that those that signed the petitions did not follow through and vote. this state has yet to see the damage the he has created!
  • Reply to: Creatures of the Dark: Wisconsin GOP Caught Deleting Records, Again   11 years 4 months ago
    Why would the Republicans be shredding documents if not to cover up wrong doing? Someone needs to go to jail in order to stop this pattern of behavior.
  • Reply to: Creatures of the Dark: Wisconsin GOP Caught Deleting Records, Again   11 years 4 months ago
    bussed in from where? people here in Wisconsin are definitely pushing for walker and his group to be ousted. this state has yet to see the damage the he has created!
  • Reply to: Creatures of the Dark: Wisconsin GOP Caught Deleting Records, Again   11 years 4 months ago
    Only time.will.tell on what you say the evidence will tell the truth in the end and if it comes out that it is true fire his ass and put someone else in office that will be honest and true too all the people.
  • Reply to: Creatures of the Dark: Wisconsin GOP Caught Deleting Records, Again   11 years 4 months ago
    Dear Anonymous "Not Exactly," as a Wisconsin resident for the last 39 years, I disagree that "..most people here are not against the gov...." in part because over a million people signed the recall petitions, and Republicans did not win the state national or state elections in 2012, and the only reason we have a Republican majority in the state legislature is entirely due to the redistricting which is the subject of this article. His school choice plan is not going to fly even with his own party, and the only reason they passed the mining bill in the Senate was that the Republicans and their Koch brothers spent millions to defeat Sen. Jess King in Oshkosh. Polls following the recall election indicated that some voters believed that no politician should be recalled unless they commit a crime while in office, not that the "gov" enjoys widespread support. The pro-Walker voter I spoke to on the eve of the recall election was as poorly informed as many Walker supporters about the consequences of getting rid of unions (his family had no health insurance after he lost his union job where he had insurance). Wisconsin is 44th nationally in job creation, which was Scott Walker's big campaign promise. He thinks he's got a national future, which is why he's rarely in the state and even less often in the Capitol, and doesn't really give a hoot about us here in Wisconsin. His rejection of high speed rail and Medicaid funds is costing us big time, both in jobs and actual health care dollars, but looks good to his Tea Party fans.
