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  • Reply to: Wisconsin Bill Would Treat Organic Milk, Sharp Cheddar, Brown Eggs as "Junk Food"   11 years 4 months ago
    What is healthy for one may not be healthy for all. Those of us who have children who are sensitive to cow dairy, may find soy, rice, goat or other alternative milks preferable. I have a child who is allergic to almonds, and sensitive to cow's milk and soy. The issue is not whether one food item is good or bad for another; we as parents and individuals need to make those decisions for ourselves and our families. Republicans and Tea-Partiers who purport to favor less government intervention across the board should not be telling anyone what to put in their grocery bag!
  • Reply to: Wisconsin Bill Would Treat Organic Milk, Sharp Cheddar, Brown Eggs as "Junk Food"   11 years 4 months ago
    You asked, "Are we living in a society or what?". Although I assume the question was rhetorical, it goes to the core of the issue. In fact, most conservatives don't believe in "society". They scoff at the notion of "community" and, outside of their personal circle of friends and family, devalue cooperative effort as a means of progress unless it is underpinned by expectations of private profit. To them, we are merely a collection of individuals existing within a civilization. Social Darwinism, tempered only at the whims of a relative handful of financially capable private individuals who happen to be feeling charitable at any given moment or during any given economic atmosphere. The word "society" implies "social" which, as we all know, leads to socialism. Community - Communist. Same thing. Conservatives want none of it. It's every man, and perhaps his family, for himself. Empathy is something cons reserve only for those they know personally. All others are deserving only of resentment and hate.
  • Reply to: Wisconsin Bill Would Treat Organic Milk, Sharp Cheddar, Brown Eggs as "Junk Food"   11 years 4 months ago
    I agree with your statement above, but actually soy milk is not good for your daughter because of the high estrogen level. Look more into Almond milk... much healthier. All the best to you!
  • Reply to: Wisconsin Bill Would Treat Organic Milk, Sharp Cheddar, Brown Eggs as "Junk Food"   11 years 4 months ago
    While I agree with you that AB 110 has no language to indicate what will be deemed to have sufficient nutritional value.. I would be curious to see the guidelines for which they are making this determination.
  • Reply to: Wisconsin Bill Would Treat Organic Milk, Sharp Cheddar, Brown Eggs as "Junk Food"   11 years 4 months ago
    Your position is that if you fall on hard economic times, you forfeit you ability to be concerned with the quality and nutritional value of the food your family eats. If you're poor, you're only allowed to by the cheap stuff, not the healthy stuff... that's your position?
