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  • Reply to: Is Monsanto's New Genetically Engineered Soy a Health Food?   11 years 3 months ago
    Jill Richardson is trying to have it both ways here. She is trying to blame Monsanto and by extension, other biotech companies, for problems with Omega-6 and Omega-3 balances. As far as I know, they don't have an interest in making people eat more Omega-6 fatty acids. That's a really bizarre interpretation. It is the only recourse when a company she dislikes comes up with something useful, and doesn't want to credit them for it. It's all part of a maniacal scheme, you see! (FYI, I do not work for industry.) Jill calls eating omega-3 soybeans a "band aid fix" yet paradoxically recommends eating hemp seed. This is trying to have it both ways. How is getting Omega-3's from GE soybeans a "band aid fix" yet getting them from hemp seeds not a "band aid fix?" This is bad logic at its worst.
  • Reply to: PBS Killed Wisconsin Uprising Documentary "Citizen Koch" To Appease Koch Brothers   11 years 3 months ago
    Are you kidding??? These jerks are after Social Security, Medicare and any government program for the poor and elderly. They don't have a heart at all. And you believe that our current society is slanted left? What do you do? Watch Fox News? You're not watching the real are watching lies for entertainment. Turn off the tv and open your mind. Things are not as you see them to be.
  • Reply to: PBS Killed Wisconsin Uprising Documentary "Citizen Koch" To Appease Koch Brothers   11 years 3 months ago
    Sorry for the earlier comment. My 12 year old kid wrote that and has absolutely no idea how the real world works. My apologies.
  • Reply to: PBS Killed Wisconsin Uprising Documentary "Citizen Koch" To Appease Koch Brothers   11 years 3 months ago
    America needs more folks like the Koch brothers. They have every right to defend themselves in our current left slanted society. After all, their business is providing over 60,000 people an opportunity to provide for their families without government assistance.
  • Reply to: PBS Killed Wisconsin Uprising Documentary "Citizen Koch" To Appease Koch Brothers   11 years 3 months ago
    America needs more folks like the Koch brothers. They have every right to defend themselves in our current left slanted society. After all, their business is providing over 60,000 people an opportunity to provide for their families without government assistance.
