Recent comments

  • Reply to: CMD Files Open Records Suit Against ALEC Board Member Sen. Leah Vukmir   11 years 8 months ago
    Only one reason for this behavior
  • Reply to: CMD Files Open Records Suit Against ALEC Board Member Sen. Leah Vukmir   11 years 8 months ago
    Leah Vukmir is about herself, All the study's that prove medical marijuana works and is safer then pills and she just turns away and puts down people with cancer, spinal cord injury ect ect,, I am sure she wants them out of sight out of mind. I pray she gets cancer everyday.
  • Reply to: Students Petition Sallie Mae for Transparency and a Better Deal on Student Loans   11 years 8 months ago
    i got on and there are 26 people in the united states that are up in arms about this? 1 trillion dollars in essentially stolen money to essentially go to high school for 4 years and live in an apartment? for 30thousand dollars a year? nice work sallie mae…scumbags.
  • Reply to: Victory for Food Rights and Wisconsin Farmer Vernon Hershberger   11 years 8 months ago
    The last I knew a license was permission and regulation to do that which is unlawful or immoral. If I am wrong please correct me. However, I know the above to be true. This leaves me questioning why most everything today REQUIRES a LICENSE. Please consider that. These courts and so called government agency's are waging a form of economic legal war on the GOD GIVEN and Constitution rights of the people. The greedy and immoral moneyjunkies of corporate government world wide don't want competition from honest real producers. Wake up everyone these corporations have stolen everything from the people and want you dependant on them as they abuse you and steal from you. Loving God, Marriage, having children, pursuit of happiness, growing and producing real traditional food and even medicine for ourselves, REAL MONEY instead of paper currency not worth the paper it is wrote on. Please tell me how and when these things became unlawful and immoral and next time you go to CHURCH please ask why they have a 501c3 nonprofit license on the wall and whether they worship GOD or the obvious fictional legal corporate ENTITY of the state.
  • Reply to: Environmental Groups Split on Illinois Fracking Bill   11 years 8 months ago
    And while the environmentalists fight each other, the frackers laugh all the way to the bank...
