oh reeeeally? just foreigners? so, by foreigners, do you mean people who LOOK foreign, or people who were born somewhere else? so does this mean that if you were born in america, no matter your color or language, you don't mix deer meat in with your meat? i wonder how you get this idea?
Your comments do not reflect the reality of actually working with patients infected with prion diseases, nor, do they reflect the possible mutations or variations which may occur spontaneously and shift the transmission rate rather quickly in human or animal populations. Whether writing about early Kuru in Indonesia to current Deer Wasting in Wisconsin, the public should be made aware of all aspects of this terrible disease. Your information presents as if you are employed or wish to be employed by big agriculture. Do you live in Wisconsin? Does your family live in Wisconsin? Would you let your children eat deer that has been hunted and killed in the wilds of Wisconsin? Why? I can not refrain from telling readers that it is very difficult to have humans or animals tested for prion diseases because laboratories can not decontaminate testing items or surface areas. Only temperatures above 450F can kill prions. Most surgical autoclaves do not produce temperatures this high, not alone standard laboratories. For this reason England was using disposable surgical trays to remove certain soft tissues such as tonsils. Is this being done in the United States? Furthermore, if you can only test one deer out of possibly ten deers that you suspect of having a prion disease because of testing challenges, then the public is being exposed to further unnecessary dangers. It can take twenty years for a prion disease to come to fruition, meaning the manifestations of the first symptoms becoming visible to the sheer horror of family, friends and loved ones. I suggest reading "A Deadly Feast" because it is one of the oldest books written about prion diseases before distortion and hubris was added to the mix. For that matter, perform a video search for patients dying of a prion disease and watch in horror. The last time I saw a video showing this on television was over fifteen years ago and you have to ask yourself, why?
What about espionage? Where does that fit in and what does that mean exactly? If you find fraudulent information and expose it I suppose that's espionage too. Where the frick did that come from!? More rules to cover corruption. Wow.
...and I'm cleaning house. I keep a printout handy of the list of ALEC's corporate sponsors as well as ALEC legislators. My family has made drastic changes over the past two years as to where we shop and what products we buy. The corporations supporting ALEC also throw massive funding at extremists during elections and in doing so are doing much more damage than simply hitching their wagons to the Koch enterprise.
We haven't stepped foot into Walmart in years, nor Best Buy (for reasons not associated with ALEC), we no longer stop in at Wendys or McDonalds (we make it a point to eat at local, non-franchise, restaurants). We've refinanced our home and now have a mortgage with a reliable credit union where we do all of our banking. Kraft Food is out thanks to it' use of GMO products, and we no longer purchase Coke or Pepsi products, etc. etc.
Our boycott list had grown so long that we decided to make a new list limiting ourselves to businesses we felt exhibited some ethics. It was tough at first, but now it’s become second nature.
So far as possible, we're making the changes necessary to reflect our displeasure with irresponsible business practices. We are not amused by ALEC and it's vision for America nor are we willing to participate in a corporate takeover over of government. They’ve taken this far enough already.
Thanks CMD for dragging ALEC into the light. I’ve been posting links to alecexposed.com for years. Your work is amazing.
I do not hear much complaint about multi national corporations taking over our public schools. The major objective is to make money and train young children for a planned global workforce, The Common Core, the latest in education will dumb down children and most will be placed in the "service" economy. Only about 30% will go to college which means, in all probability, only the ones with wealthy parents or the charter school owners. The large foundations, such as Gates, is funding this but he ownes Microsoft that stands to make billions off the schools in the long run.
P. S. What happened to the book I ordered some time ago? I hope he was able to get it published. I sent the money and a donation to your ogranization. Thanks, and keep up the good work. Ann