Recent comments

  • Reply to: Seven Faces of NRA/ALEC-Approved "Stand Your Ground" Law   11 years 2 months ago
    I'm all for self-defense, but if my friend told me someone was trying to steal the radio out of my car, I'd call the police. If a "Defend Your Ground" law makes it ok to grab a knife, run out the door, chase that person down the street, and stab him to death in the back, then obviously there's something very wrong with the way the law is written. If just one person can get away with that, then that law needs to be revised. The law doesn't save lives, people who act responsibly save lives, and murderers shouldn't be protected under any "Stand Your Ground" law.
  • Reply to: Shareholders Push Firms to Cut Ties to ALEC; 49 Corporations Now Out   11 years 2 months ago
    I too went to my State Farm provider to ask about ALEC. Those responding to me said they didn't know about it. I gave them time to check it out--nice gals doing a good job. But State Farm didn't budge and I left them.
  • Reply to: Buzz off, Monsanto   11 years 2 months ago
    DDT was, I believe the first synthetic pesticide. Somebody can find what happened with this staff circulating in environment. One of the lessons what was from this DDT story was that the future pesticide cannot be stable and have to decompose quickly. Other conclusion was very simple to rich - the pesticide should be spread at time when the pollinators (at least daily pollinator – honeybee - is not working). The farmers were obligated to use pesticides after sunset. Now seems to be the lesson of DDT was forgotten by Monsanto, Bayer, Syngenta etc. They went to Bt and Neonicotinoids inserts into plants bodies. They were probably assuming that the inserts will be eaten by humans and it is the end of the pesticide travel and end of a problem. Wrong, the Neonicotinoids are circulating and remain in environment harming non-target invertebrates, birds and fish. In the same meaner Neonicotinoids are invasive synthetic compound as DDT. Such DDT like stable pesticide should be mark for the future as the unacceptable idea. There is a smart idea; IPM (Integrated Pest Management) which give some time to rest the environment from synthetic blow. This technique was born on the base of chemical resistance reaction from pests (like is the Varroa example). It assumes use synthetics only when necessary and not the same for 5 years. Any other time (if possible) it should be use organic/natural pesticides like formic acid. Such 5 year plan based on observation, practice and wise judgment is not easy or comfortable, but it is absolutely necessary for surviving natural and balanced environment. Please do not assume I am supporting synthetic (unnatural) pesticides in any way. I prefer using minimum of organic pesticide in IPM manner only; Thought it cost me a time, energy etc. I encourage others to give up their comfort from the "scientific ideas" of big chemical corporations.
  • Reply to: Shareholders Push Firms to Cut Ties to ALEC; 49 Corporations Now Out   11 years 2 months ago
    I bought a new Buick after General Motors cut ties with ALEC.
  • Reply to: Seven Faces of NRA/ALEC-Approved "Stand Your Ground" Law   11 years 2 months ago
    Are all Americans as heartless bastards as you? What a sick society you live in. Shame on you all.
